
'O said siven an a tanner is 'alf a quid?

Yes chum,  money to burn on Guy Fawkes day!

Mike--half crown was known as "half a dollar" you write. Later in my
life--when I was a young lad the dollar hadn't been invented!. Good comment
about what all this has to do for wicks. Well when I broach any subject it
usually opens a can of worms. Tch Tch. I'll get in touch again when I get
those carbon  fibre wicks or some new fibre glass wicks. H-mm, a thought;
do worms have a capillary action?

Wicked old Uncle Geoff.

>Siven un a tanner is bei nah 'alf a quid!.
>You must have had money to burn,
>Bert &  Edmunda


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