First off, please redesign the Steamlines system, it is poor.

OK, steam leaves the boiler, runs through two lubricators (one to lubricate
and one to further cool the steam?) then the steam can go to the pistons or
to the 80 wt. gear oil tank located in the tank at the back of the cab.
Valves are set up to regulate the amount of steam allowed into and out of
the 80 wt. gear oil  tank.  Once pistons exhaust the now pretty cold steam
(after the whole system heats up this isn't as much of a problem, perhaps
after one tank of fuel or two) the steam travels through a super heater and
out the stack. The super heater is supposed to cook the oiled steam making a
darker exhaust.  Experience with the Steamlines Shay system led to practical
problems.  The fire would go out every time pressure was starting to rise.
Reason: The super heater tube burned through after a maximum of five firings
and as few as two, causing steam to snuff the fire very effectively.  I
removed the entire smoke system and route the steam direct from boiler to
one lubricator and then to pistons and on to exhaust.  No superheating,
ever.  The radiant burner doubled burn time from 13-15 minutes to 28-35
minutes. Exhaust is much cooler.  The engine is able to run slowly or fast
and best of all can now maintain pressure while running. It used to drop
pressure rapidly while operating and I could barely get one lap in before
pressure would drop preventing the 1% grade from being conquered.

If there was a way to drop a little oil directly onto the radiant burner
screens in small amounts it might create some darker smoke.  Shoot, just
drop some sugar onto the burner and let it burn or any other kitchen
products you notice burn nicely when accidentally dropped on a burner.  Cut
small pieces of tire and burn them in the smoke box?  Tires burn real
smokey.  OK, I am getting into carcinogenic material now, so I will quit.

I found a set of plans for the Steamlines Shay that shows both the smoke
generator system and their direct route system (which turned out to be like
what I rerouted this one to get any steam to the pistons).  I could copy the
plans and mail them if you wish.

Steaming & Sparking over Terror Trestle in Eugene, Oregon ~ Gary

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