Dave, we'd like to express our heartfelt "THANK YOU!" to the National Summer
Steamup team.  We had the best time yet (and were lucky enough to be able to
attend for most of all four days).

It's always great to get caught up with old friends (and to make new ones)
at steam-ups.  With so many tracks available this year, I actually was able
to steam as much as I wished! (Which was a *lot*.....<grin>.... )  It's
always fun at this event to be able to walk in the door and say "I *love*
the smell of coal and oil in the morning!"

I attended many of the presentations, and they were all uniformly great.
Thanks much to everyone who worked to make them so (including Dave Cole and
Clark Lord who prepped and cared for the technical gear of the
presentations).    In particular, Dave Hottmann's presentation cleared up
several (for me) long-term mysteries on how to interpret observed movement
for tuning up timing, and thereby improve run times.   I've been having lots
of fun ever since "tweaking" our engines.  Also, since we're just getting
ready to put in an elevated loop, Clark's presentation on the construction
methods and materials of his extensive home installation was appreciated and

I was fortunate enough to show up just in time to be part of the 13 shay
multi-header (a world record?  Don't know, but I'm told definitely a PCLS
record).  Various folks were calculating the awesome power involved, but it
was *observable*: there was at least enough power to pull around a line of
13+ people in their wake for some time...all with *huge* grins!

Anyway, thanks to all attendees for making this a great steamup-it truly is
an amazing and great cross-section of (admittedly somewhat odd...) folks who
are drawn to our hobby.

We look forward to the next one!

Debi Smith & Al Holston

----- Original Message -----
From: "sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 12:04 AM
Subject: sslivesteam2-Digest - Number 294

> sslivesteam2-Digest       Monday, July 26, 2004      Issue 294
> Today's Topics:
>         1. and another quick bunch of summer steamup pix ...
>         2. summer steamup
>         3. Re: summer steamup
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message Number: 1
> Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 10:15:27 -0700
> From: Dave Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: and another quick bunch of summer steamup pix ...
> http://www.summersteamup.com/nss04-pix-sat/
> as with yesterday's batch, i'll clean these up next week, adding
> captions and the like.
> enjoy.
> \dmc

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