Check out:

these folks are claiming development of a capilary force fuel vaporizer that might have applicability to liquid fuel locos. The website claims that the microcapillaries in the vaporizer provide both pressure and phase change of liquid fuels. They have a video demo of it using kerosene.

According to an article in the August issue of Mechanical Engineering magazine, a mountaineering company, Mountain Safety Research is going to start selling a backpacking stove using this burner technology that will eliminate the need to carry pressurized fuel bottles, although this stove is not shown on MSRs website. This stove is supposed to burn white gas.

So if these vaporizers can be tailored to burn kerosene and white gas they probably can be made to burn alcohol as well. Perhaps this will be an answer to all the wick issues, pressurized fuel problems, etc that cause Ga1'ers grief.

Of course if it makes running a Ga1 loco too easy that's bad as well!

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