after carefully reading the replies (thanks for all the tips!) to my
somewhat desperate E-mail and a discussion with my knowledgeable friend
David we decided to give the glitch problem one last (cheap) try. We moved
the receiver to the back of my C_l_i_m_a_x with the boiler shielding the
steam engine. David came up with the idea to zig-zag the antenna through the
"tunnels" of a piece of corrugated cardboard. The result was amazing: The
locomotive ran without any glitches ! In fact, I am now confident enough to
run it next Saturday on Jack Verducci's logging branch line at his open
house during  the NG convention. Eric Maschwitz, David Wegmuller and myself
operate this line every once in a while with our donkey as a crotch line
But back to glitching:
It is obviuosly very important to shield the receiver/antenna from any
moving/rubbing metal parts !

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