Thanks Walt,

I am as dumb as the stuff that dogs leave on my lawn, I have owned a Cricket for years and should have realized all this! Tch, Tch! Sure glad I was too busy yacking to enter mine, it was with me in DH to satisfy Bill Ford that I had really installed his water level detection system. It's great and since I now have a Saley goodall valve installed I can put an auxiliary butane tank in the wagon behind the Cricket. It will run forever and ever. With Bill's developing water pump design activated by the sensor you can add a lot more "evers".

Thanks Bert for your report a on Sinsheim. Must have been very enjoyable.


I wonder if I could save that stuff on the lawn, dry it and fire my 3/4" scale locos with it.-- Pungenticity Power??

The problem was that the wire was required to be tight at the start, with the cricket if it doesn't turn a few revs, it just hangs up. If I had been able to let it run a few inches to take up slack wire, it would have been different.
Most locomotives were breaking traction and the wheels were spinning when the measurement was taken. On this particular Cricket, the wheels will not slip.
Keep your steam up!

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