On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 02:50:30PM -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> On 09/28/2009 01:46 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> > Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> >> On 09/28/2009 09:55 AM, Simo Sorce wrote:
> >>   
> >>> On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 09:38 -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> >>>     
> >>>> The SSSD needs a config_from_fd() variant of the config_from_file()
> >>>> call
> >>>> so that we can preopen a config file and perform some verification on
> >>>> it
> >>>> before parsing it. The config_from_fd() call is used to avoid race
> >>>> conditions between testing the file and reading it in.
> >>>>
> >>>> Note: the *_from_fd() functions still require the config file name for
> >>>> internal information. This does not imply that it is used to open the
> >>>> file.
> >>>>       
> >>> I think it is better not to require a file name, and, internally, just
> >>> use something like "dummy" or a random string like the process pid etc..
> >>>
> >>> This way there is no risk that someone may accidentally change the code
> >>> later to re-open the file or something like that, if that is done it
> >>> will immediately break when it tries to open "dummy" (hopefully :-)
> >>>
> >>> Simo.
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> sssd-devel mailing list
> >>> sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
> >>> https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-devel
> >>>     
> >>
> >> New version does not require the file name for the _from_fd() functions.
> >> It will create a string "dummy_<fd>" to use for the config file name
> >> internally.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>   
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> sssd-devel mailing list
> >> sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
> >> https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-devel
> > Nack:
> > 
> > Had an IRC conversation with Steven:
> > 
> > <dpal> sgallagh, why do you need "dummy" thing
> > <dpal> sgallagh, I would have done it differently
> > <dpal> I mean the internal layers
> > <sgallagh> dpal: I added the "dummy" thing so that there was always a
> > unique identifier at the top level of the collection
> > <sgallagh> dpal: If you would like to recommend an alternative approach,
> > please nack the patch and provide suggestions. I'm all ears :)
> > <dpal> sgallagh, then this is something that the app should pass in
> > together with fd
> > <dpal> if the app opened the file it should say how to name it
> > <sgallagh> dpal: Look at the history, I did that at first and it was nacked.
> > <sgallagh> s/history/email thread/
> > <dpal> I have seen Simo's comment but I do not think we are talking
> > about same thing
> > <sgallagh> dpal: Perhaps you can clarify, then?
> > <dpal> The filename is used in the low level function in only one place
> > besides the opening the file - to name the collection
> > <sgallagh> right
> > <sgallagh> So I just gave it the name "dummy_fd" if it was opened as an
> > fd instead of directly opening a file path.
> > <dpal> It is done in the error list only
> > <dpal> It is done for error reporting purpose
> > <dpal> You do not want to return error list back to caller with text
> > "errors parsing dymmy_123"
> > <dpal> sgallagh, the only value of having the file name in the error
> > list is to report back the error in the file. 
> > * sgallagh nods
> > <dpal> sgallagh, If the caller handles the file it should name it or
> > there should be no name in this case
> > <sgallagh> Well, that seems like a convincing-enough argument to negate
> > simo's nack, honestly.
> > <dpal> and a generic name instead
> > <sgallagh> Neither of us were really sure if the name was ever used, or
> > if it was just there to be available to the caller
> > <sgallagh> dpal: Do you want me to just change it from "dummy_<fd>" to
> > "file descriptor <fd>" instead?
> > <dpal> sgallagh, more of then I would always pass two things into
> > ini_to_collection
> > <sgallagh> dpal: Or put back the interface to let it be specified
> > <dpal> sgallagh, let me finish
> > <dpal> sgallagh, move the fopen/fdopen out of the ini_to_collection
> > <dpal> Pass in the ready to use FILE *file and the string for naming the
> > "source"
> > <dpal> Then wrap the new implementation of the function with function
> > that just open the file and sends down the filename as a source string.
> > <dpal> The new "other" function would instead do the fdopen using passed
> > in file descriptor and will send down passed in string to name the source
> > <sgallagh> dpal: That still doesn't explain the fd case. If we're
> > calling config_from_fd(), are you saying that we need to also pass the
> > filename?
> > <dpal> sgallagh, I say you need to name the source in some way so that
> > you can report the error
> > <dpal> sgallagh, it was logical to use filename as name of the source in
> > case of file
> > <dpal> It is not clear to me what would be the best name of the source
> > if you are using a FD
> > <sgallagh> dpal: I think I'd prefer to leave the interface as-is and
> > change the "dummy_fd" to the more readable "file descriptor fd"
> > <sgallagh> dpal: I'll make the changes under the hood as you've suggested
> > <dpal> This does not help the caller
> > <sgallagh> dpal: what do you mean?
> > <dpal> He does not know what this fd means
> > <sgallagh> dpal: He has to. He's the one who passed it in
> > <dpal> sgallagh, I am talking about admin who reads the output and does
> > not have a clue what fd 23 meant.
> > <sgallagh> dpal: Ok, put this all in a nack email and I'll put it back
> > the way I had it before, where you have to pass the filename as well as
> > the fd into config_from_fd(). Ok?
> > <sgallagh> I'll make the other internal changes as well
> > <dpal> If you tell him "configuration port" he will understand that the
> > configuration was read on the port. 
> > <dpal> Also I would suggest not to name it as file name in this case but
> > rather "configuration_source" or something like to make it more generic
> > for fd and file cases.
> > 
> > 
> New patch attached that should address Dmitri's concerns.

Works for me and I think Dmitri's points are in.

ACK from me.

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