On 11/09/2009 05:32 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 15:57 -0500, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> On 11/09/2009 02:20 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>> So here are 2 patches:
>>> 0001 add some functions I needed for the task to sysdb and reworks a few
>>> others
>> Nack.
>> sysdb_delete_user_send() should check whether both name and UID are
>> specified and fail if they are. Right now, if they are both set, we are
>> silently only using the name. Similarly, if neither is set (name==NULL
>> and uid==0) we should fail.
>> Same comments about sysdb_delete_group_send().
>> Otherwise it looks fine.
> Ok I added code to verify that the uid/gid match the name being
> searched.
>>> 0002 the actual cleanup task files.
>> Nack.
>> Please update manpages for ldap_purge_cache timeout, as well as the
>> SSSDConfig API configuration files.
> Like for other timeouts I'd like to keep this undocumented for now.
> I added the option for the API configuration file.
>> I don't like using SDAP_CACHE_PURGE_TIMEOUT for both the interval
>> between purge attempts AND the timeout for the purge running. Please add
>> one second to the interval time. Otherwise we're going to start queuing
>> up transaction waits on subsequent timeout tries if for some reason the
>> remote server is being very slow or unresponsive to our requests. Over a
>> long enough period of time, this could be a genuine resource problem.
>> I'd much prefer to guarantee that only one such request can be running
>> at any given time.
> No this can't happen, new runs are not schedule until the previous run
> is over.
>> The general approach looks fine to me, though I see a lot of duplication
>> between the cleanup_users_send() and cleanup_groups_send() functions and
>> I can't help wondering if there's a way that these could be made into a
>> single set of functions.
> I know but I prefer to do things right first and optimize later,
> although there is some duplication here I preferred to keep things
> simpler than trying to add switch/case or if/else along the code to
> address all the differences.
>> Also, can you add a set of tests to the sysdb-tests to manually set some
>> cache expiration times to "1" and verify that the cleanup task clears
>> them appropriately. (For regression-detection)
> I'll open a bug to add sysdb-tests for these cases.
> Also while checking the enumeration/cleanup code about the tiemouts I
> find out there where 2 places where the wrong timeout being set. That
> would have caused busy loops, because we were telling the code to
> schedule the next task for "now" in case we were offline, oops :)
> I also changed the cleanup send function to take a memory context so
> that when called from the enumeration task it will actually be a child
> of that task (therefore it will be killed if the enum task timeout
> kicks-in).
> Simo.
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Patch 0001: Nack, causes segfault in sysdb-tests. Attaching backtrace.

Patch 0002: Ack.

Stephen Gallagher
RHCE 804006346421761

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Red Hat ranks #1 in value among software vendors.
#0  0x000000000041225f in sldb_request_callback (ldbreq=0x205fe00, 
ldbreply=0x205ffa0) at ../../server/db/sysdb_ops.c:145
        req = 0x0
        state = 0x7f06945d359b
        err = 0
        __FUNCTION__ = "sldb_request_callback"
#1  0x00007f06945cd1ca in asq_reqs_callback (req=<value optimized out>, 
ares=0x2061470) at modules/asq.c:184
        ret = <value optimized out>
#2  0x00007f06945df7bb in ltdb_index_filter (ac=<value optimized out>, 
dn_list=<value optimized out>)
    at ldb_tdb/ldb_index.c:1056
        dn = 0x20679c0
        ret = 0
        ldb = 0x206b300
        msg = 0x20675b0
        i = <value optimized out>
#3  ltdb_search_indexed (ac=<value optimized out>, dn_list=<value optimized 
out>) at ldb_tdb/ldb_index.c:1138
        ldb = <value optimized out>
        data = <value optimized out>
        ltdb = <value optimized out>
        dn_list = 0x2061330
        ret = <value optimized out>
#4  0x00007f06945dcad1 in ltdb_search (ctx=0x206d8f0) at 
        ldb = 0x206b300
        module = 0x206b3f0
        req = 0x2061d30
        data = <value optimized out>
        ret = 1
#5  0x00007f06945dbec8 in ltdb_callback (ev=<value optimized out>, te=<value 
optimized out>, t={tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, 
    private_data=<value optimized out>) at ldb_tdb/ldb_tdb.c:1096
        ctx = 0x206d8f0
        ret = 53
#6  0x0000003fbe002f25 in tevent_common_loop_timer_delay (ev=0x205f010) at 
        current_time = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}
        te = 0x2067860
#7  0x0000003fbe00455b in std_event_loop_once (ev=0x205f010) at 
        tval = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}
#8  0x00000000004053c9 in test_loop (data=0x206c390) at 
No locals.
#9  0x0000000000409fd4 in test_sysdb_asq_search (_i=0) at 
        test_ctx = 0x205ee50
        data = 0x206c390
        ret = 0
        msgs_count = 139666233484176
        msgs = 0x2057740
        i = 0
        req = 0x2060fa0
        user_dn = 0x206b470
        gid_str = 0x2057c80 "\240w\5\2"
#10 0x00007f06943bfbb8 in srunner_run_all () from /usr/lib64/libcheck.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x000000000040b3dd in main (argc=1, argv=0x7ffffe9ac1f8) at 
        opt = -1
        ret = 0
        pc = 0x2057740
        failure_count = 0
        sysdb_suite = 0x2057a80
        sr = 0x2057c80
        long_options = {{longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo = 4, arg = 
0x636d60, val = 0, 
            descrip = 0x42d434 "Help options:", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 
0x42d442 "debug-level", shortName = 100 'd', 
            argInfo = 2, arg = 0x636e40, val = 0, descrip = 0x42d44e "Debug 
level", argDescrip = 0x0}, {
            longName = 0x42d45a "debug-to-files", shortName = 102 'f', argInfo 
= 0, arg = 0x636e48, val = 0, 
            descrip = 0x42d470 "Send the debug output to files instead of 
stderr", argDescrip = 0x0}, {
            longName = 0x42d4a1 "debug-timestamps", shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo 
= 0, arg = 0x636e44, val = 0, 
            descrip = 0x42d4b2 "Add debug timestamps", argDescrip = 0x0}, 
{longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\0', argInfo = 0, 
            arg = 0x0, val = 0, descrip = 0x0, argDescrip = 0x0}}

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