Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/11/2009 01:26 AM, David O'Brien wrote:
>> from IRC when everyone was sleeping  ;-)
>> davido [Mon 18:28] is there such a thing as a wildcard character that 
>> works in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf ?
>> davido [Mon 18:29] I tried filter_groups = * to see if I could break it 
>> but it didn't work
>> davido [Mon 18:30] I should rephrase that... it didn't break
>> thanks
> Not wildcards as such, though we do have a couple of advanced options in
> the kerberos provider such as krb5_ccname_template that can offer
> printf-style substitutions.
> In the case of filter_groups, all you've done is tell it to ignore a
> group named "*" (which should be impossible anyway)

ok, so if you had, for example, several admins with names such as 
admin_web, admin_dns, admin_nfs, etc., with elevated privileges, you 
would have to list them explicitly. You couldn't do admin_* or anything 

I'm not suggesting this is an actual use case, it's just something that 
popped into my head while I was messing around with configs.


David O'Brien
Red Hat Asia Pacific
+61 7 3514 8189

"The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when
one will do."
     Thomas Jefferson
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