I'll start out by saying that I don't know if sssd is the culprit in my
problem or not; but if not, I hope someone here with more knowledge of
the moving parts at play can point me in the right direction.

I have two machines: one with Fedora 16 and one with the Fedora 17
prerelease.  I had initially created a posixGroup in LDAP for mock with
GID 990.  But then I realized that my two installations had different
GIDs for the mock group.  So, I decided to change the GID in LDAP and on
the Fedora 16 box to match the GID for mock on the Fedora 17
installation (989).  The Fedora 16 box seems to be just fine.  However,
the Fedora 17 box still seems to think that my user is a member of the
group with GID 990 (which happens to be pulse-access):

        $ groups
        users desktop_admin_r ccache pulse-access

        $ getent group | grep mock
        $ getent group | grep 990

At this point, *there is no group in LDAP with GID 990*:

        $ ldapsearch -x -H ldap://ldap.endoframe.net -D 
"cn=Manager,dc=endoframe,dc=net" -W "objectClass=posixGroup"
        Enter LDAP Password: 
        # extended LDIF
        # LDAPv3
        # base <dc=endoframe,dc=net> (default) with scope subtree
        # filter: objectClass=posixGroup
        # requesting: ALL
        # users, Groups, endoframe.net
        dn: cn=users,ou=Groups,dc=endoframe,dc=net
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: posixGroup
        cn: users
        gidNumber: 100
        memberUid: braden
        # ccache, Groups, endoframe.net
        dn: cn=ccache,ou=Groups,dc=endoframe,dc=net
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: posixGroup
        cn: ccache
        gidNumber: 988
        memberUid: braden
        # desktop_admin_r, Groups, endoframe.net
        dn: cn=desktop_admin_r,ou=Groups,dc=endoframe,dc=net
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: posixGroup
        gidNumber: 497
        cn: desktop_admin_r
        memberUid: braden
        # desktop_user_r, Groups, endoframe.net
        dn: cn=desktop_user_r,ou=Groups,dc=endoframe,dc=net
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: posixGroup
        gidNumber: 496
        cn: desktop_user_r
        # mock, Groups, endoframe.net
        dn: cn=mock,ou=Groups,dc=endoframe,dc=net
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: posixGroup
        cn: mock
        gidNumber: 989
        memberUid: braden
        # search result
        search: 2
        result: 0 Success
        # numResponses: 6
        # numEntries: 5
And here's the really goofy bit (from my perspective): if I remove
braden from the LDAP mock group, "groups" output no longer lists
"pulse-access"; if I add braden back to the LDAP mock group, "groups"
lists "pulse-access" once again.

It seems (to me) like something has cached the association of the LDAP
mock group with GID 990; and now the group *name* is being got from
LDAP, associated with the old GID, and that old GID is being conveyed to
tools that (rightfully) associate GID 990 with the local pulse-access

Can anyone shed some light on what might be happening here?

Braden McDaniel <bra...@endoframe.com>

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