On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 01:23:25PM -0500, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> On 02/06/2013 11:13 AM, Sumit Bose wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I tried to extract some common requirements of #1534 'Integrate SSSD
> > with CIFS client' and #1557 'Use the Global Catalog in SSSD for the AD
> > provider' in the
> > https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/DesignDocs/NSSResponderIDMappingCalls
> > design page. Currently there is no specific ticket for this, I think it
> > can be opened if the design is accepted.
> >
> > For your convenience the content can be found below as well.
> >
> > bye,
> > Sumit
> >
> >
> > == ID Mapping calls for the NSS responder ==
> > Related tickets:
> > * [https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/1534 RFE Integrate SSSD with CIFS 
> > client]
> > * [https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/1557 RFE Use the Global Catalog in 
> > SSSD for the AD provider]
> > * [https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/1559 RFE Use the 
> > getpwnam()/getgrnam() interface as a gateway to resolve SID to Names]
> >
> > Related design documents:
> > * 
> > [https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/DesignDocs/IntegrateSSSDWithCIFSClient 
> > Integrate SSSD with CIFS Client]
> > * [https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/DesignDocs/GlobalCatalogLookups 
> > Global Catalog Lookups in SSSD]
> >
> > === Problem Statement ===
> > When SSSD is used in environments with AD, either as a member of the AD 
> > domain or as a member of a trusted IPA domain, it has to map users and 
> > groups managed by AD to a POSIX ID. The AD user and groups are identified 
> > by 
> > * a name which may change
> > * a unique SID which never changes, i.e. new SID == new object
> >
> > Applications interacting tightly with users and groups from AD domains e.g.
> > * samba
> > * cifs-client
> > * FreeIPA
> > need to know which SID relates to which POSIX ID or name.
> >
> > Mapping a SID to a user or group would be possible with the current 
> > interfaces as described in ticket #1559. But getting a SID for a user or a 
> > group would be at least hard and ugly if not impossible. I think the 
> > solution proposed in ticket #1559 is a good and useful shortcut. But by 
> > making the *bySID lookups also available via a new calls applications will 
> > have a more reliable interface, e.g. by allowing more specific error codes 
> > (see details below).  
> >
> > === Overview of the solution ===
> >
> > === Implementation details ===
> > The NSS responder will be extended with four new calls:
> > {{{
> > SSS_NSS_GETSIDBYNAME = 0x0111, /**< Takes a zero terminated fully qualified 
> > name
> >                                     and returns the zero terminated string 
> > representation
> >                                     of the SID of the object with the given 
> > name.
> >                                 */
> > SSS_NSS_GETSIDBYID   = 0x0112, /**< Takes an unsigned 32bit integer (POSIX 
> > ID)
> >                                     and returns the zero terminated string 
> > representation
> >                                     of the SID of the object with the given 
> > ID.
> >                                 */
> > SSS_NSS_GETNAMEBYSID = 0x0113, /**< Takes the zero terminated string 
> > representation
> >                                     of a SID and returns the zero 
> > terminated fully 
> >                                     qualified name of the related object.
> >                                 */
> > SSS_NSS_GETIDBYSID   = 0x0114, /**< Takes the zero terminated string 
> > representation
> >                                     of a SID and returns and returns the 
> > POSIX ID of
> >                                     the related object as unsigned 32bit 
> > integer value
> >                                     and another unsigned 32bit integer 
> > value indicating
> >                                     the type (unknown, user, group, both) 
> > of the object.
> >                                 */
> > }}}
> >
> > Alternatively SSS_NSS_GETSIDBYID and SSS_NSS_GETIDBYSID could be 
> > implemented to take an return arrays SIDs and POSIX IDs respectively as the 
> > related cifs_idmap API calls (see 
> > [https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/DesignDocs/IntegrateSSSDWithCIFSClient 
> > Integrate SSSD with CIFS Client]). I took the approach mentioned above 
> > because it better matches the other NSS responder calls and additionally I 
> > do not like the implicit required ordering in the input and output array.
> >
> > After receiving the request the NSS responder will first check if it can 
> > create the response from cached data. If not the request is forwarded to 
> > the providers. For the *byName and *byID calls the corresponding existing 
> > interface can be used. For the *bySID call a new call must be added to the 
> > providers. Currently only the IPA and AD provider will support the new 
> > calls. If the provider cannot handle the requests it will return an 
> > appropriate error code which it return to the client via the NSS responder.
> >
> > Additionally on the provider side it must be ensured that the string 
> > representation of the SID is saved in the cache. It looks that this is 
> > already the case for the AD provider. But I think this is currently not the 
> > case for the IPA provider for both IPA and trusted users. Also the PAC 
> > responder should add the SID to the cache object.
> >
> > The sid2name extended operation on the FreeIPA server should get a new 
> > request type and corresponding response types so that the SID is returned 
> > with the user and group data. (A ticket for this should be opened for 
> > FreeIPA if this design is approved.)  
> >
> > ==== C-API ====
> > The C-API for those calls will be made available in a new library 
> > libsss_nss_idmap (other names are welcome). In contrast to libnss_sss 
> > loaded via glibc into client programs the new library can be linked with 
> > other programs. The new calls will be declared in a header sss_nss_idmap.h 
> > and can have reasonable return values to make error detection an reporting 
> > easier for the clients using the new API. 
> >
> > {{{
> > /** 
> >  * @brief Find SID by fully qualified name
> >  *
> >  * @param[in] fq_name Fully qualified name of a user or a group
> >  * @param[out] sid    String representation of the SID of the requested 
> > user or group,
> >                       must be freed by the caller
> >  *
> >  * @return
> >  *  - 0 (EOK): success, sid contains the requested SID
> >  *  - ENOENT: requested object was not found in the domain extracted from 
> > the given name
> >  *  - ENETUNREACH: SSSD does not know how to handle the domain extracted 
> > from the given name
> >  *  - ENOSYS: this call is not supported by the configured provider
> >  *  - EINVAL: input cannot be parsed
> >  *  - EIO: remote servers cannot be reached
> >  *  - EFAULT: any other error 
> >  */
> > int sss_nss_getsidbyname(const char *fq_name, char **sid);
> >
> > /** 
> >  * @brief Find SID by a POSIX UID or GID
> >  *
> >  * @param[in] id   POSIX UID or GID
> >  * @param[out] sid String representation of the SID of the requested user 
> > or group,
> >                    must be freed by the caller
> >  *
> >  * @return
> >  *  - see #sss_nss_getsidbyname
> >  */
> > int sss_nss_getsidbyid(uint32_t id, char **sid);
> >
> > /** 
> >  * @brief Return the fully qualified name for the given SID
> >  *
> >  * @param[in] sid      String representation of the SID
> >  * @param[out] fq_name Fully qualified name of a user or a group,
> >                        must be freed by the caller
> >  *
> >  * @return
> >  *  - see #sss_nss_getsidbyname
> >  */
> > int sss_nss_getnamebysid(const char *sid, char **fq_name);
> >
> > /** 
> >  * @brief Return the POSIX ID for the given SID
> >  *
> >  * @param[in] sid      String representation of the SID
> >  * @param[out] id      POSIX ID related to the SID
> >  * @param[out] id_type Type of the object related to the ID
> >  *
> >  * @return
> >  *  - see #sss_nss_getsidbyname
> >  */
> > int sss_nss_getidbysid(const char *sid, uint32_t *id, enum id_type id_type);
> > }}}
> >
> > Currently I do not see a strong requirement to allow different kind of 
> > memory allocators (e.g. talloc).
> >
> > I think it is not necessary to add special set of return values/error code 
> > but the standard ones are sufficient. Maybe ENETUNREACH it indicate that 
> > SSSD could not find the right domain for the request could be replaced by a 
> > better one. (EDOM would be a candidate, but imo it should be reserved for 
> > mathematical operations.)
> >
> > ==== Python bindings ====
> > To allow easy usage of the new calls by the FreeIPA python framework, 
> > python binding would be useful.
> >
> > ==== Lookup utility ====
> > A small utility sss_idmap (other names are welcome) will be added which 
> > offers access to the new calls via libsss_nss_idmap. This utility will make 
> > testing easier and might help user and administrators as well.
> >
> > {{{
> > # sss_idmap --help
> > Usage: sss_idmap [OPTION...]
> >   -n, --name-to-sid=NAME      Converts name to sid
> >   -s, --sid-to-name=SID       Converts sid to name
> >   -S, --sid-to-id=SID         Converts sid to POSIX ID
> >   -i, --id-to-sid=ID          Converts POSIX ID to sid
> >
> > Help options:
> >   -?, --help                  Show this help message
> >   --usage                     Display brief usage message
> > }}}
> >
> > === How to test ===
> > The sss_idmap utility or the python bindings can be used to create tests, 
> > e.g.
> >
> > {{{
> > # sss_idmap --sid-to-name=S-1-5-21-111111-222222-333333-1234
> > DOM\user
> > # sss_idmap --name-to-sid=DOM\user
> > S-1-5-21-111111-222222-333333-1234
> > # sss_idmap --sid-to-name=abcdefg
> > Usage: sss_idmap .......
> > Invalid SID
> > }}}
> >
> > === Author(s) ===
> > Sumit Bose <sb...@redhat.com>
> > _______________________________________________
> > sssd-devel mailing list
> > sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
> > https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-devel
> So far makes sense.
> Who are the potential consumers of the library other than the utility?
> Is it CIFS utils? Should we reach out to the CIFS community for the
> follow up integration?
yes, CIFS utils will use it, but we will provided the plugin as part of
https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/1534 .

> Any other consumers? Desktop?

If all is in place (global catalog lookup, support for trusted domains)
FreeIPA will used it instead of winbind.


> -- 
> Thank you,
> Dmitri Pal
> Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
> Red Hat Inc.
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