On (01/07/13 08:01), Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>On 07/01/2013 04:46 AM, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>> ehlo,
>> libcmocka-0.3 was released and package is available in fedore >=
>> 18. libcmocka-devel contains pkg-config file, therefore it is
>> better to use pkg-config to detect this library.
>> Patch is attached.
>I'd prefer if we tried the pkg-config approach first and then fell
>back to the old detection form (since not all distributions will get
>the 0.3 release at the same rate). Removing something that works all
>of the time and replacing it with something that only works some of
>the time is a net loss.

arch -- does not contain cmocka
     -- sssd is only in AUR and PKGBUILD require nor check or cmocka

debian/ubuntu does not contain cmocka

opensuse -- has cmocka only among unstable packages
         -- version 0.3 is available

gentoo -- has cmocka (only 0.2)
       -- but sssd ebuild does not require it

cmocka is only optional dependency and this dependency was introduced in
1.10 development phase.
I think this is the right time to use only pkg-config without any fall back.

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