On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Tue, 2014-07-22 at 14:55 +0200, Sumit Bose wrote:

these two patches implement the MIT Kerberos localauth plugin for SSSD.
Since it uses the new plugin style
it has to be activated explicitly. A section like

 localauth = {
  module = sssd:/path/to/plugin/sssd_krb5_localauth_plugin.so
  enable_only = sssd

Should work. Please note that this example deactivates any other
mechanism, e.g. .k5login files. See krb5.conf man page of MIT Kerberos
1.12 how to active the mechanism as well.

One of the main use cases for this plugin is an IPA environment with
trust to AD. Currently AD user who want to use SSO with IPA client needed
a .k5login file in their home directory containing their Kerberos
principal. Alternatively krb5.conf has to be edited but here the names
user at the login prompt has to follow a fixed format and are case
sensitive. If the localauth plugin is activated the mapping of Kerberos
principal and user name is done by SSSD.

While I was testing the plugin with ssh I found that st least the Fedora
and RHEL versions of the sshd do not rely completely in the Kerberos
libraries here but do some checks on their own, especially they check
for the existence of the .k5login file in the default configuration.
This check can be disabled by setting KerberosUseKuserok to 'no' but
then sshd does not call krb5_userok() but the more restrictive
krb5_aname_to_localname() and does case sensitive checks on the related
names which won't help much in out case. As a result a .k5login file is
still needed when testing with ssh but it can be empty or contain random
content. I will investigate why OpenSSH is patched in this way on Fedora
and RHEL.

The patches look good to me, quite simple and direct.
It would be nice to avoid the sshd annoying restrictions in RHEL/Fedora
indeed, and possibly elsewhere.

Idea: Can we add a distributors.README file where we start listing all
the common issues we find in packages and warn distributors to patches
they may want to adopt in related packages that we asked Fedora/RHEL
maintainers to add/backport ?
It is a good idea overall for both SSSD and FreeIPA to carry a list of
such dependencies/fixes. We get regularly questions about backports of a
newer code and answering them would be better with a structured list.
/ Alexander Bokovoy
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