On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 08:15:49PM +0000, Nathan Robbins wrote:
> I would like to try and accomplish a similar result with sssd, mainly in 
> order to get it functioning with samba.  Is is possible for me to set it up 
> such that i build the local user account just like above, and then use sssd 
> *only* for authentication? 
> N

The released versions of SSSD can only serve POSIX users, that is, users
who have an UID and a GID. You can either point SSSD to an attribute
that contains the ID or map the ID from a Windows SID.

The ID attribute doesn't have to be named uidNumber/gidNumber and with
recent enough version you can even use the same LDAP attribute for both.
But there has to be either a numerical ID attribute or a Windows SID to
derive the ID from.
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