On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 04:29:05PM +0100, Jan Pazdziora wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 03:30:12PM +0100, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
> > > 
> > > So, effectively, there would be no way to make some URI accessible to
> > > more than one group?
> > 
> > There is nothing preventing you from adding more groups to a single
> > rule..
> But with the evaluation you've outlined, it's only to place
> additional restriction on the rule, isn't it?

Nope, that's not how the groups work. I have a rule on my test IPA
server that looks like this:
  Rule name: ad_allowed_rhel5
  Enabled: TRUE
  User Groups: ad_allowed, admins
  Hosts: unidirect.ipa.test, centos5.ipa.test, nss-pam-ldapd.ipa.test
  Services: system-auth, su, su-l

Anyone from group ad_allowed or group admins can log in to the hosts listed
in the rule with su, su-l or system-auth PAM services.

> > Still, this beats creating deny rules. Every single time we added deny
> > rules in any form or shape to sssd we ended up regretting that decision
> > after some time..
> > 
> > (One repeating reason is that a failure to evaluate an allow rule causes
> > a denial of service at worst, a failure to evalute a deny rule is a
> Is the problem really evaluating the rule or finding the rule?
> I thought our biggest worry is that the rule will not be seen at all.
> And if we require all rules to pass, failure to find the last rule
> (and evaluate) when all previous have passed, will allow the access.
> To me, requiring all ruless to pass means that each additional rule
> is an effective deny on anything it does not match. Yes, if we
> are aware of the rule existence, we deny the access at worse, but
> if we miss the rule existence altogether, we've just granted access
> we were not supposed to grant.

But I guess I understand where we're talking past one another -- is it
when the URIs overlap?

Yes, in that case you're right..
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