On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 11:04:59PM -0500, Malahal Naineni wrote:
> Hi All,
>       We have ganesha NFS server that calls innetgr() call to validate
> client request. Noticing that all ganesha threads were making innetgr()
> calls and spending a lot of time there, I wrote a small script that just
> repeatedly calls innetgr() with same host name but with two different
> netgroups. Each call seems take about 0.5 second. I would like to know
> if sssd is expected to cache innetger() results or is it left to glibc?
> Does any one know if glibc caches such requests of a larger nested
> subgroup? Is this behaviour expected or something badly configured here?
> Appreciate any responses.

SSSD should cache netgroups similar to any other object. If the netgroup
expires, we might take a bit of time with large nested hierarchies to
write them all back to the cache though.

Do the calls always take long or only when the cache expires?
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