On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 03:53:54PM +0300, Nikolai Kondrashov wrote:
> I suggest several measures which could be taken.
> 1. Require *every* new module/function/argument/structure/field to be
>    documented. It must be at least a sentence for each. A module or a bigger
>    data structure could warrant more. Describe module/function/structure
>    overall, and each of its declarations/arguments/return values/fields.

I'm OK with documenting interfaces and concepts, but not OK with documenting
every function. I would rather spend time on making the code more readable
than effectively creating two places to maintain (the code and the
docs). Especially for static functions, I really don't see the value.

So I'm fine with adding documentation to headers, but I think it's
busywork to add doxygen headers to every function.

I also think it's OK to document why the code does what it does, but
documenting private interfaces wouldn't help in my opinon, but adding
more comments to the code does.

> 2. Next level, documentation tax: if you touch anything, document it. Modified
>    a module header? Add a short module description. Added or removed a field
>    in a structure? Add structure and field descriptions. Changed a function?
>    Document it.

better: If a developer works on a module that is confusing to
understand, document the code flow.

> 3. Third level, documentation duty: document a whole existing module header of
>    your choosing, say once a month.
> The format of documentation doesn't matter, as long as it's legible and agreed
> upon. I suggest Doxygen, but it can be anything else. We don't have to
> actually run the documentation extraction tool (such as "doxygen") on our code
> and use perfectly correct syntax (although that could be the next step). What
> matters is that documentation is there, it's uniform, and you don't have to
> think about the format when writing it.
> For example of how it can look see the attached patch where I tried to
> document some things (likely misunderstanding some) as I read the code.

Some pieces of the patch are beneficial, some are not. I don't really see
how documenting that pvt_ctx is a private context improves the code. That's
obvious from the name of the structure member, if not, we need to rename
the member.  If the patch added something like "this is a context that
holds private data such as NSS context that contains NSS client data etc
for NSS responder" if would be much better.

The check_next comment seems to be good OTOH.
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