On 03/04/2017 07:50 PM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
SSSD 1.15.1

The SSSD team is proud to announce the release of version 1.15.1 of the
System Security Services Daemon.

This is the first release that is available from SSSD's new home
at https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd The tarball can be downloaded from
RPM packages will be made available for Fedora shortly.

Please provide comments, bugs and other feedback via the sssd-devel or
sssd-users mailing lists:

 * Several issues related to starting the SSSD services on-demand via
   socket activation were fixed. In particular, it is no longer possible
   to have a service started both by sssd and socket-activated. Another
   bug which might have caused the responder to start before SSSD started
   and cause issues especially on system startup was fixed.
 * A new 'files' provider was added. This provider mirrors the contents
   of '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/shadow' into the SSSD database. The purpose

/etc/group not /etc/shadow :-)

   of this new provider is to make it possible to use SSSD's interfaces,
   such as the D-Bus interface for local users and enable leveraging the
   in-memory fast cache for local users as well, as a replacement for `nscd`.
   In future, we intend to extend the D-Bus interface to also provide setting
   and retrieving additional custom attributes for the files users.
 * SSSD now autogenerates a fallback configuration that enables the
   files domain if no SSSD configuration exists. This allows distributions
   to enable the 'sssd' service when the SSSD package is installed. Please
   note that SSSD must be build with the configuration option
   '--enable-files-domain' for this functionality to be enabled.
 * Support for public-key authentication with Kerberos (PKINIT) was
   added. This support will enable users who authenticate with a Smart Card
   to obtain a Kerberos ticket during authentication.

sssd-devel mailing list -- sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
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