
I've noticed that I'm getting a little bit lost with github and the
way SSSD has its tags organized there.

As it may actually affect other people (and in case it does not, let's
just skip the following suggestion) ... I'd like to suggest the
following tags to the project:

- Accepted: We already have it;

- Rejected: We already have it.

- Tests needed: This one can either replace the "Changes Requested"
(in case it's split in a few different tags) or be used together ...
but the idea is to identify that tests are missing from a PR without
going through the whole discussions happening there;

- Depends on (or something similar): This one can either replace the
"Changes Requested" (in case it's split in a few different tags) or be
used together ... but the idea is to identify that we depend on
somework that still has to be done (either another PR, ticket or
something else that has to be implemented). Mind that I'm not sure
whether we'd be able to simply add a field saying what the PR depends
on ...

- Postponed/Deferred: We have something similar for 2.0, but would be
nice to have a way to clearly see in which release we're going to take
a look into a specific PR without having to dig in the discussions.
Here we could also have 1.16.1, 1.16.2, 2.0, ...

- Reworked: Although just removing the "Changes Requested" label is
fine, maybe having a tag explicitly saying that something was Reworked
would be a clean way to differentiate between new PRs and PRs which
have been through a review already ...

Does the suggestion make sense? In case we have an agreement about
this topic, may I re-tag our PRs and start using those new tags from
new PRs?

Best Regards,
Fabiano Fidêncio
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