URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/796
Author: pbrezina
 Title: #796: ci: enable sssd-ci for 1-16 branch
Action: synchronized

To pull the PR as Git branch:
git remote add ghsssd https://github.com/SSSD/sssd
git fetch ghsssd pull/796/head:pr796
git checkout pr796
From 9a6cf5f5a3218c378c968cc4932152c7a2614fb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Pavel=20B=C5=99ezina?= <pbrez...@redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 11:10:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ci: enable sssd-ci for 1-16 branch

Fedora 28 is the latest version containing 1.16 so I think it is fine
to not run the test against Fedora 29+. Besides this change this patch
contains files from master without change.
 Jenkinsfile                      | 235 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 contrib/test-suite/README.md     |  38 +++++
 contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh |  37 +++++
 contrib/test-suite/run.sh        | 100 +++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 410 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Jenkinsfile
 create mode 100644 contrib/test-suite/README.md
 create mode 100755 contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh
 create mode 100755 contrib/test-suite/run.sh

diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..092033839a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * Remember that the build failed because one of the untrusted files were
+ * modified.
+ */
+untrusted = false
+ * SSSD CI.
+ *
+ * This class hold SSSD CI settings and defines several helper methods
+ * that helps reducing code duplication. Unfortunately, it does not
+ * seem to be possible to run those methods directly from the pipeline
+ * as CI.MethodName() as it produces 'Expected a symbol' error therefore
+ * functions outside this class scope must be defined as well. These functions
+ * can be then called directly from the pipeline.
+ */
+class CI {
+  /**
+   * Absolute path to directory that holds the workspace on Jenkins slave.
+   */
+  public static String BaseDir = '/home/fedora'
+  /**
+   * Github status context name that is visible in pull request statuses.
+   */
+  public static String GHContext = 'sssd-ci'
+  /**
+   * URL that will be opened when user clicks on 'details' on 'sssd-ci' status.
+   */
+  public static String GHUrl = 'https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd'
+  /**
+   * URL that will be opened when user clicks on 'details' on specific
+   * build status (e.g. sssd-ci/fedora28).
+   */
+  public static String AWS = 'https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/sssd-ci'
+  /**
+   * Path to SSSD Test Suite on Jenkins slave.
+   */
+  public static String SuiteDir = this.BaseDir + '/sssd-test-suite'
+  /**
+   * Workaround for https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-39203
+   *
+   * At this moment if one stage in parallel block fails, failure branch in
+   * post block is run in all stages even though they might have been successful.
+   *
+   * We remember result of test stages in this variable so we can correctly
+   * report a success or error even if one of the stages that are run in
+   * parallel failed.
+   */
+  public static def Results = [:]
+  /**
+   * Mark build as successfull.
+   */
+  public static def BuildSuccessful(build) {
+    this.Results[build] = "success"
+  }
+  /**
+   * Return true if the build was successful.
+   */
+  public static def IsBuildSuccessful(build) {
+    return this.Results[build] == "success"
+  }
+  /**
+   * Send commit status to Github for sssd-ci context.
+   */
+  public static def Notify(ctx, status, message) {
+    ctx.githubNotify status: status,
+      context: this.GHContext,
+      description: message,
+      targetUrl: this.GHUrl
+  }
+  /**
+   * Send commit status to Github for specific build (e.g. sssd-ci/fedora28).
+   */
+  public static def NotifyBuild(ctx, status, message) {
+    ctx.githubNotify status: status,
+      context: String.format('%s/%s', this.GHContext, ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM),
+      description: message,
+      targetUrl: String.format(
+        '%s/%s/%s/%s/index.html',
+        this.AWS,
+        ctx.env.BRANCH_NAME,
+        ctx.env.BUILD_ID,
+        ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM
+      )
+  }
+  /**
+   * Run tests. TEST_SYSTEM environment variable must be defined.
+   */
+  public static def RunTests(ctx) {
+    this.NotifyBuild(ctx, 'PENDING', 'Build is in progress.')
+    ctx.sh String.format(
+      './sssd/contrib/test-suite/run.sh %s %s %s %s',
+      "${ctx.env.WORKSPACE}/sssd",
+      "${this.SuiteDir}",
+      "${ctx.env.WORKSPACE}/artifacts/${ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM}",
+      "${this.BaseDir}/configs/${ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM}.json"
+    )
+    this.BuildSuccessful(ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Archive artifacts and notify Github about build result.
+   */
+  public static def WhenCompleted(ctx) {
+    ctx.archiveArtifacts artifacts: "artifacts/**", allowEmptyArchive: true
+    ctx.sh String.format(
+      "${this.BaseDir}/scripts/archive.sh %s %s %s",
+      ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM,
+      "${ctx.env.WORKSPACE}/artifacts/${ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM}",
+      "${ctx.env.BRANCH_NAME}/${ctx.env.BUILD_ID}"
+    )
+    ctx.sh "rm -fr ${ctx.env.WORKSPACE}/artifacts/${ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM}"
+    if (this.IsBuildSuccessful(ctx.env.TEST_SYSTEM)) {
+      this.NotifyBuild(ctx, 'SUCCESS', 'Success.')
+      return
+    }
+    this.NotifyBuild(ctx, 'FAILURE', 'Build failed.')
+  }
+  /**
+   * Notify Github that the build was aborted.
+   */
+  public static def WhenAborted(ctx) {
+    this.NotifyBuild(ctx, 'ERROR', 'Aborted.')
+  }
+ * CI class methods cannot be called directly from the pipeline as it
+ * yield 'Expected a symbol' error for some reason. This is a workaround
+ * for this issue.
+ */
+def CI_RunTests() { CI.RunTests(this) }
+def CI_Post() { CI.WhenCompleted(this) }
+def CI_Aborted() { CI.WhenAborted(this) }
+def CI_Notify(status, message) { CI.Notify(this, status, message) }
+pipeline {
+  agent none
+  options {
+    timeout(time: 10, unit: 'HOURS')
+    checkoutToSubdirectory('sssd')
+  }
+  stages {
+    stage('Prepare') {
+      steps {
+        CI_Notify('PENDING', 'Running tests.')
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Read trusted files') {
+      steps {
+        readTrusted './contrib/test-suite/run.sh'
+        readTrusted './contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh'
+      }
+      post {
+        failure {
+          script {
+            untrusted = true
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    stage('Run Tests') {
+      parallel {
+        stage('Test on Fedora 28') {
+          agent {label "sssd-ci"}
+          environment { TEST_SYSTEM = "fedora28" }
+          steps { CI_RunTests() }
+          post {
+            always { CI_Post() }
+            aborted { CI_Aborted() }
+          }
+        }
+        stage('Test on Fedora 29') {
+          agent {label "sssd-ci"}
+          environment { TEST_SYSTEM = "fedora29" }
+          steps { CI_RunTests() }
+          post {
+            always { CI_Post() }
+            aborted { CI_Aborted() }
+          }
+        }
+        stage('Test on Fedora 30') {
+          agent {label "sssd-ci"}
+          environment { TEST_SYSTEM = "fedora30" }
+          steps { CI_RunTests() }
+          post {
+            always { CI_Post() }
+            aborted { CI_Aborted() }
+          }
+        }
+        stage('Test on Fedora Rawhide') {
+          agent {label "sssd-ci"}
+          environment { TEST_SYSTEM = "fedora-rawhide" }
+          steps { CI_RunTests() }
+          post {
+            always { CI_Post() }
+            aborted { CI_Aborted() }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  post {
+    failure {
+      script {
+        if (untrusted) {
+          CI_Notify('ERROR', 'Untrusted files were modified.')
+        } else {
+          CI_Notify('FAILURE', 'Some tests failed.')
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    aborted {
+      CI_Notify('ERROR', 'Builds were aborted.')
+    }
+    success {
+      CI_Notify('SUCCESS', 'All tests succeeded.')
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/contrib/test-suite/README.md b/contrib/test-suite/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..576d12d286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test-suite/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Run SSSD Test Suite
+Script `run.sh` will run all available SSSD test on a set of virtual machines created by vagrant. These virtual machines are part of separate project located at `https://github.com/SSSD/sssd-test-suite`.
+## Automated Testing
+These test are run automatically when you submit a Pull Request to SSSD project. Status report together with logs will be available in the Pull Request when testing is finished.
+## Steps to run the tests manually
+1. Checkout `https://github.com/SSSD/sssd-test-suite`
+2. Configure and setup SSSD test suite per instructions located at project readme.
+3. Make sssd-test-suite use already provisioned boxes (either manually created or maintained by SSSD team at https://app.vagrantup.com/sssd-vagrant).
+4. Run `run.sh`, please note that this script will call `vagrant destroy` and it will thus destroy your existing guests.
+  SSSD-SOURCE-DIR Path to SSSD source directory.
+  TEST-SUITE-DIR  Path to sssd-test-suite_dir directory.
+  ARTIFACTS-DIR   Path to directory where artifacts should be stored.
+  CONFIG-FILE     Path to sssd-test-suite_dir configuration file to use.
+At this moment only `client` guest is required. We need to expand our test cases to test agains FreeIPA and Active Directory.
+## SSSD CI Architecture
+Jenkins master polls github for new branches and pull requests. When it discovers new pull request or branch or changes to existing pull request or branch it will allocate a jenkins agent and executes pipeline defined in `./Jenkinsfile` (in SSSD source) on this agent.
+The pipeline executes `./contrib/test-suite/run.sh` and archives logs when testing is finished. Script `./contrib/test-suite/run.sh` prepares sssd-test-suite, starts the vagrant machines and copy SSSD source code to the client machine. Then it calls `./contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh` on the client machine which runs continuous integration tests.
+### Extending current tests
+To extend current testing capabilities, modify `./contrib/test-suite/run.sh` and `./contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh` to new requirements. These files can be modified by anyone but are considered untrusted from contributor that is not an administrator of SSSD repository. This means that if a public contributor submits a pull request that changes those files, Jenkins will refuse to run tests.
+### Adding additional distribution to test on
+You need to modify `./Jenkinsfile`. Simply copy, paste and amend existing Fedora 28 stage. This file is also considered untrusted so only administrators can modify it within a pull request.
+You also need to extend `sssd-test-suite` and prepare vagrant boxes for this distro.
diff --git a/contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh b/contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3b9eb606fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+archive-artifacts() {
+    echo "Archiving artifacts..."
+    cp -f $sssd_source/ci-*.log $artifacts_dir
+    cp -f $sssd_source/ci-build-debug/ci-*.log $artifacts_dir
+    cp -f $sssd_source/ci-build-debug/test-suite.log $artifacts_dir
+success-or-die() {
+    ret=$1
+    msg=$2
+    if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    echo $msg
+    archive-artifacts
+    exit $ret
+cd $sssd_source
+echo "[1/1] Running Continuous Integration Tests"
+./contrib/ci/run --moderate --no-deps
+success-or-die $? "CI Failed!"
+exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/test-suite/run.sh b/contrib/test-suite/run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..bb4c06f59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/test-suite/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+print-usage() {
+    cat <<EOF
+Run SSSD Continuous Integration Tests
+Make sure to checkout and setup https://github.com/SSSD/sssd-test-suite
+  SSSD-SOURCE-DIR Path to SSSD source directory.
+  TEST-SUITE-DIR  Path to sssd-test-suite_dir directory.
+  ARTIFACTS-DIR   Path to directory where artifacts should be stored.
+  CONFIG-FILE     Path to sssd-test-suite_dir configuration file to use.
+print-help-if-asked() {
+    while test $# -gt 0
+    do
+        case "$1" in
+            --help)
+                print-usage ; exit 0
+                ;;
+            -h) print-usage ; exit 0
+                ;;
+            -?) print-usage ; exit 0
+                ;;
+        esac
+        shift
+    done
+success-or-die() {
+    if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo $2
+        exit 1
+    fi
+print-help-if-asked "$@"
+if [[ $# -ne 4 ]]; then
+    print-usage
+    exit 1
+# Currently only client machine is needed.
+run-vagrant() {
+    VAGRANT_CWD="$suite_dir" \
+    SSSD_TEST_SUITE_RSYNC="$sssd_source:$guest_source" \
+    SSSD_TEST_SUITE_SSHFS="$artifacts_dir:$guest_artifacts" \
+    SSSD_TEST_SUITE_CONFIG="$config" \
+    vagrant "$@"
+start-guest() {
+    # This may fail if guest's box was not yet downloaded. We will ignore it.
+    run-vagrant destroy $1 &> /dev/null
+    run-vagrant box update $1
+    success-or-die $? "Unable to update guest: $1"
+    run-vagrant up $1
+    success-or-die $? "Unable to start guest: $1"
+stop-guest() {
+    run-vagrant halt $1
+    success-or-die $? "Unable to halt guest: $1"
+echo "[1/5] Creating $artifacts_dir"
+mkdir -p "$artifacts_dir"
+success-or-die $? "Unable to create directory: $artifacts_dir"
+echo "[2/5] Updating sssd-test-suite"
+git -C "$suite_dir" pull --rebase
+success-or-die $? "Unable to rebase sssd-test-suite at: $suite_dir"
+echo "[3/5] Preparing vagrant machines"
+for guest in $guests; do
+    start-guest $guest
+echo "[4/5] Running tests"
+run-vagrant ssh client -- "$guest_source/contrib/test-suite/run-client.sh"
+success-or-die $? "SSSD Test Suite Failed: $?"
+echo "[5/5] Shutdown machines"
+for guest in $guests; do
+    stop-guest $guest
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