URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/5806
Author: shridhargadekar
 Title: #5806: Tests: files provider testcases
Action: synchronized

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From df65d350fd08e9c820e6a0f52197df14d98c913e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shridhar Gadekar <sgade...@sgadekar.pnq.csb>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021 00:13:38 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] verifies: ##4295 bugzilla:

 src/tests/multihost/files/conftest.py         |  97 +++++
 .../multihost/files/test_files_provider.py    | 351 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 448 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/tests/multihost/files/conftest.py
 create mode 100644 src/tests/multihost/files/test_files_provider.py

diff --git a/src/tests/multihost/files/conftest.py b/src/tests/multihost/files/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e405839ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/multihost/files/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+"""conftest.py for all tests"""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import subprocess
+import os
+import time
+import posixpath
+import pytest
+from sssd.testlib.common.utils import sssdTools
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+from pytest_multihost import make_multihost_fixture
+from sssd.testlib.common.paths import SSSD_DEFAULT_CONF, NSSWITCH_DEFAULT_CONF
+from sssd.testlib.common.qe_class import session_multihost
+from sssd.testlib.common.qe_class import create_testdir
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+def pytest_configure():
+    """ Namespace hook to add below dict in the pytest namespace """
+    pytest.num_masters = 0
+    pytest.num_ad = 0
+    pytest.num_atomic = 0
+    pytest.num_replicas = 0
+    pytest.num_clients = 1
+    pytest.num_others = 0
+def useradd(session_multihost, request):
+    tool = sssdTools(session_multihost.client[0])
+    users = ['test1', 'user1']
+    groups = ['localgrp', 'l_grp1', 'l_grp2', 'l_grp3']
+    for user in users:
+        cmd = f'useradd {user}'
+        session_multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd)
+    for grp in groups:
+        cmd = f'groupadd {grp}'
+        session_multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd)
+    def remove_local_users():
+        for user in users:
+            cmd = f'userdel -rf {user}'
+            session_multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd)
+        for grp in groups:
+            cmd = f'groupdel {grp}'
+            session_multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd)
+    request.addfinalizer(remove_local_users)
+def backupsssdconf(session_multihost, request):
+    """ Backup and restore sssd.conf """
+    bkup = 'cp -f %s %s.orig' % (SSSD_DEFAULT_CONF,
+                                 SSSD_DEFAULT_CONF)
+    session_multihost.client[0].run_command(bkup)
+    session_multihost.client[0].service_sssd('stop')
+    def restoresssdconf():
+        """ Restore sssd.conf """
+        restore = 'cp -f %s.orig %s' % (SSSD_DEFAULT_CONF, SSSD_DEFAULT_CONF)
+        session_multihost.client[0].run_command(restore)
+    request.addfinalizer(restoresssdconf)
+def multihost(session_multihost, request):
+    """ Multihost fixture to be used by tests
+    :param obj session_multihost: multihost object
+    :return obj session_multihost: return multihost object
+    """
+    if hasattr(request.cls(), 'class_setup'):
+        request.cls().class_setup(session_multihost)
+        request.addfinalizer(
+            lambda: request.cls().class_teardown(session_multihost))
+    return session_multihost
+def setup_sssd(session_multihost, request):
+    """ Configure sssd.conf """
+    tools = sssdTools(session_multihost.client[0])
+    sssd_params = {'domains': 'files'}
+    tools.sssd_conf('sssd', sssd_params)
+    domain_section = 'domain/%s' % 'files'
+    domain_params = { 'id_provider': 'files',
+                     'debug_level': '9'}
+    tools.sssd_conf(domain_section, domain_params)
+    start_sssd = 'systemctl start sssd'
+    session_multihost.client[0].run_command(start_sssd)
+    def removesssd():
+        """ Remove sssd configuration """
+        stop_sssd = 'systemctl stop sssd'
+        session_multihost.client[0].run_command(stop_sssd)
+        removeconf = 'rm -f %s' % (SSSD_DEFAULT_CONF)
+        session_multihost.client[0].run_command(removeconf)
+    request.addfinalizer(removesssd)
diff --git a/src/tests/multihost/files/test_files_provider.py b/src/tests/multihost/files/test_files_provider.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a0362b35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/multihost/files/test_files_provider.py
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import pdb
+import re
+import subprocess
+import time
+from sssd.testlib.common.utils import sssdTools
+def getent_sss(multihost, obj, db):
+    gtnt = f'getent {db} -s sss {obj}'
+    cmd = multihost.client[0].run_command(gtnt, raiseonerr=False)
+    return cmd.returncode, cmd.stdout_text
+def run_cmd(multihost, arg):
+    cmd = multihost.client[0].run_command(arg, raiseonerr=False)
+    return cmd.returncode, cmd.stdout_text
+class TestFilesProvider(object):
+    " This is a test case class for files-provider"
+    def test_001_local_usr_caching(self, multihost, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: local user caching with files-provider
+        :id: fa12373b-8285-4fca-afe1-5e544fd58674
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create an unprivileged user
+            2. User details are returned from sss_cache
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, ot = getent_sss(multihost, 'test1', "passwd")
+        assert exit_status == 0
+    def test_002_root_usr_caching(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: root user caching with files-provider
+        :id: 0fea4269-de00-4e34-95c5-ab106957769d
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. SSSD should not cache root user
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, 'root', "passwd")
+        assert exit_status != 0
+    def test_003_group_caching(self, multihost, backupsssdconf, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: local group caching with files-provider
+        :id: ce9bb642-0f73-406d-b5b8-cf66f3b32dfb
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create local group and add a user as it's member
+            2. Confirm local group is showing user as it's member
+            3. Confirm the user's group list is showing that local group
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+            3. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, "localgrp", "group")
+        cmd = 'usermod -aG localgrp user1'
+        ex, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        assert ex == 0
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, "localgrp", "group")
+        assert 'user1' in stdout
+        cmd = 'groups user1'
+        ex, stdout = run_cmd(multihost, 'groups user1')
+        assert 'localgrp' in stdout
+    def test_004_uid_change(self, multihost, backupsssdconf, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: changes in uid change of user
+        :id: bcd0ebfc-0478-4493-a3f8-123e6206e792
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local user
+            2. Modify user's uid to a different value
+            3. Confirm changes in uid of user are reflected by sssd
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+            3. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, 'user1', 'passwd')
+        assert '7777' not in stdout
+        multihost.client[0].run_command('usermod -u 7777 user1')
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, 'usermod -u 7777 user1')
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, 'user1', 'passwd')
+        assert '7777' in stdout
+    @pytest.mark.tier2
+    def test_005_gid_change(self, multihost, backupsssdconf, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: changes in gid of group
+        :id: 44c074d7-eb68-415d-a2f0-6a601c503ea2
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local group and add a local user to it's membership
+            2. Modify group's gid to a different value
+            3. Confirm changes in gid of group are reflected by sssd
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+            3. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, "user1", "passwd")
+        exit_status, stdout = run_cmd(multihost, 'usermod -aG l_grp1 user1')
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        exit_status, stdout = run_cmd(multihost, 'groupmod -g 3333 l_grp1')
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, "l_grp1", "group")
+        assert '3333' in stdout
+    def test_006_grp_removal(self, multihost, backupsssdconf, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: removal of a user from a group
+        :id: bbf70304-aeba-4fe9-93d7-9b04677d37c0
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local group and a local user.
+            2. Add local user as a member of local-group
+            3. Confirm chanages in user's and group's membership returned
+               correctly by SSSD
+            4. Remove user from group's membership
+            5. Confirm chanages in user's and group's membership returned
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+            3. Should succeed
+            4. Should succeed
+            5. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        cmd = 'getent passwd -s sss user1'
+        cmd1 = multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
+        exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, 'user1', 'passwd')
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, 'usermod -aG l_grp1 user1')
+        time.sleep(1)
+        cmd = 'groups user1'
+        cmd1 = multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
+        exit_status, stdout_text = run_cmd(multihost, 'groups user1')
+        assert 'l_grp1' in stdout_text
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, 'gpasswd -d user1 l_grp1')
+        cmd = 'groups user1'
+        cmd1 = multihost.client[0].run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
+        exit_status, stdout_text = run_cmd(multihost, 'groups user1')
+        assert 'l_grp1' not in stdout_text
+    def test_007_zero_gid_user(self, multihost, backupsssdconf, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of user with gid value set to zero
+        :id: f21526e8-1092-493d-a885-3bb732e14741
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local user with gid set to a zero
+            2. Confirm SSSD does not cache this user information
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, 'useradd -g 0 u_zero_uid')
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, 'u_zero_uid', 'passwd')
+        assert exit_status != 0
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, 'userdel -rf u_zero_uid')
+        assert exit_status == 0
+    def test_008_system_users(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of system users
+        :id: 56be0457-989c-433f-87d8-51bb77f07631
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. All system-users with non-zero gid are returned by SSSD
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        multihost.client[0].transport.get_file('/etc/passwd', '/tmp/passwd')
+        with open('/tmp/passwd', 'r') as file:
+            u_list = []
+            f_read = file.readlines()
+            u_name = [usr.split(':')[0] for usr in f_read \
+                                        if usr.split(':')[3] != '0']
+            for user in u_name:
+                exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, user, 'passwd')
+                assert exit_status == 0
+        multihost.client[0].run_command('rm -f /tmp/passwd', raiseonerr=False)
+    def test_009_system_users_zero_gid(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of system users with zero gid
+        :id: 4149b84b-bbfc-4aaa-aaae-462444c9050c
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. All system-users with zero gid are not returned by SSSD
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        multihost.client[0].transport.get_file('/etc/passwd', '/tmp/passwd')
+        with open('/tmp/passwd', 'r') as file:
+            u_list = []
+            f_read = file.readlines()
+            u_name = [usr.split(':')[0] for usr in f_read
+                                        if usr.split(':')[3] == '0']
+            for user in u_name:
+                exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, user, 'passwd')
+                assert exit_status != 0
+        multihost.client[0].run_command('rm -f /tmp/passwd', raiseonerr=False)
+    def test_010_dup_uid(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of users with same uid
+        :id: f21c2bfe-baf6-4c8d-8195-e834729da0ba
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create two local user with same uid
+            2. Modify user's uid to a different value
+            3. Confirm changes in uid of user are reflected by sssd
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+            3. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        localuser = 'local_user1'
+        dup_user = 'local_user2'
+        cmd = f'useradd -u 2222 {localuser}'
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        cmd = f'useradd -u 2222 -o {dup_user}'
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, f'{dup_user}', 'passwd')
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        exit_status, _ = getent_sss(multihost, f'{localuser}', 'passwd')
+        assert exit_status != 0
+        multihost.client[0].run_command(f'userdel -rf {localuser}', raiseonerr=False)
+        multihost.client[0].run_command(f'userdel -rf {dup_user}', raiseonerr=False)
+    def test_011_gecos_usr(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of gecos data of user
+        :id: 0e16d3bf-9ded-4b45-bf12-81f90349b007
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local user with some gecos data
+            2. Confirm gecos data of user is reflected by sssd
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        localuser = 'localuser1'
+        gecos = 'This gecos info added'
+        cmd = f'useradd -c "{gecos}" {localuser}'
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, localuser, "passwd")
+        assert f'{gecos}' in stdout
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, f'userdel -rf {localuser}')
+    def test_012_expired_user(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of gecos data of user
+        :id: bcd0ebfc-0478-4493-a3f8-123e6206e792
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local user with some gecos data
+            2. Confirm gecos data of user is reflected by sssd
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        lusr = 'usr'
+        cmd = f'useradd -e 2018-08-09 {lusr}'
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, lusr, "passwd")
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, f'userdel -rf {lusr}')
+    def test_013_expired_user(self, multihost, backupsssdconf):
+        """
+        :Title: caching of gecos data of user
+        :id: bcd0ebfc-0478-4493-a3f8-123e6206e792
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local user with some gecos data
+            2. Confirm gecos data of user is reflected by sssd
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        lusr = 'usr'
+        cmd = f'useradd -e 2018-08-09 {lusr}'
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        assert exit_status == 0
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, lusr, "passwd")
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, f'userdel -rf {lusr}')
+    @pytest.mark.tier2
+    def test_014_grp_membr_modification(self, multihost, backupsssdconf, useradd):
+        """
+        :Title: modification of user group membership
+        :id: ec84bdec-50d9-4eb8-a612-b4c14787639b
+        :customerscenario: false
+        :steps:
+            1. Create a local user and a local group
+            2. Add user as member to local group
+            3. Confirm modification is reflected in
+               user and group information
+        :expectedresults:
+            1. Should succeed
+            2. Should succeed
+            3. Should succeed
+        """
+        multihost.client[0].service_sssd('start')
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, 'user1', 'passwd')
+        assert 'l_grp1' not in stdout
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, 'l_grp1', 'group')
+        assert 'user1' not in stdout
+        lusr = 'usr'
+        cmd = f'usermod -aG l_grp1 user1'
+        exit_status, _ = run_cmd(multihost, cmd)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        exit_status, stdout = run_cmd(multihost, 'groups user1')
+        assert 'l_grp1' in stdout
+        exit_status, stdout = getent_sss(multihost, 'l_grp1', 'group')
+        assert 'user1' in stdout
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