On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 12:57:25PM +0100, ballock wrote:
> Hello,
> I stumbled upon a problem that I believe to be a bug, but perhaps I
> am wrong.
> Basically what happens is that if I have a line in /etc/hosts:
> machine1.europe.example.com machine1
> then I can only log in from europe.example.com domain.
> I reported this as:
> https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/1633
> but perhaps this is a 'feature'? That sssd resolves the current
> machine domain and only allows to log in from this domain?
> Cheers,
> Ballock


it is a bug, not a feature. Thank you for letting us know about the
problem...we just haven't gotten around to fixing it, several issues
were filed today.

You mentioned that you would be able to try and reproduce the problem
with master, too. Would you mind trying that?

Thank you!
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