On Feb 21, 2013, at 3:44 AM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 01:20:23PM -0800, Scott Classen wrote:
>> On Feb 20, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Jakub Hrozek wrote:
>>>> So the solution was to add the following line to my sssd.conf file
>>>> enumerate = true
>>>> That's it.
>>>> Everything works now.
>>>> id username returns useful information.
>>>> getent works.
>>>> ls -l works.
>>>> Not exactly sure why enumerate = true would fix my problem? I would expect 
>>>> that the underlying mechanism used to gather user/group information from 
>>>> OpenLDAP would be the same regardless of whether enumeration is turned on 
>>>> or off. My understanding from reading the sssd documentation is that 
>>>> enumeration merely caches the user/group information locally. There must 
>>>> be something else going on that is causes the system to hang when 
>>>> enumeration is set to false/
>>>> Anyways that's as far as I got. I'm happy that things are working now.
>>>> Scott
>>> Hi,
>>> The dereference processing can only work if the attributes
>>> being dereferenced (usually member:) are DNs (DN_SYNTAX_OID). Does your
>>> schema maybe touch the member attributes in any way? Do all your groups
>>> really use the member attribute and not for instance uniqueMember?
>>> Turning the enumeration on merely works around the problem by following
>>> a different code path.
>> Jakub,
>> my custom schema only extends the posixAccount to add some extra attributes. 
>> I make no changes to posixGroup.
>> ldapsearch -ZZ -x -D "uid=nss,dc=mydomain" -b "dc=mydomain" -w secret 
>> "uniqueMember=*"
>> returns nothing.
>> ldapsearch -ZZ -x -D "uid=nss,dc=mydomain" -b "dc=mydomain" -w secret 
>> "member=*"
>> returns the 175 groups in my ldap directory.
>> An example for a specific group (e.g. dvd) would be:
>> ldapsearch -ZZ -x -D "uid=nss,dc=mydomain" -b "dc=mydomain" -w secret 
>> "cn=dvd"
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <dc=mydomain> with scope subtree
>> # filter: cn=dvd
>> # requesting: ALL
>> #
>> # dvd, Group, mydomain
>> dn: cn=dvd,ou=Group,dc=mydomain
>> objectClass: posixGroup
>> objectClass: groupOfNames
>> objectClass: top
>> objectClass: apple-group
>> objectClass: extensibleObject
>> cn: dvd
>> gidNumber: 9075
>> description: dvd burner admin group
>> member: uid=user1,ou=People,dc=mydomain
>> member: uid=user2,ou=People,dc=mydomain
>> # search result
>> search: 3
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 2
>> # numEntries: 1
>> I hope this helps.
>> Scott
> Does the following:
> ldapsearch -x -H ldap://ldap.example.com -E 'deref=member:cn,objectclass' -b 
> cn=ou=Group,dc=mydomain 'cn=dvd'
> Work for you? The command should yield user1 and user2's cn and
> objectclass.

I get the same response regardless of whether the  -E 
"deref=member:cn,objectClass" option is present or not:

# ldapsearch -ZZ -x -D "uid=nss,dc=mydomain" -w secret -E 
"deref=member:cn,objectClass" -b "ou=Group,dc=mydomain" "cn=dvd" -LLL
dn: cn=dvd,ou=Group,dc=mydomain
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
objectClass: apple-group
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: dvd
gidNumber: 9075
description: dvd burner admin group
member: uid=user1,ou=People,dc=mydomain
member: uid=user2,ou=People,dc=mydomain

# ldapsearch -ZZ -x -D "uid=nss,dc=mydomain" -w secret -b 
"ou=Group,dc=mydomain" "cn=dvd" -LLL
dn: cn=dvd,ou=Group,dc=mydomain
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
objectClass: apple-group
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: dvd
gidNumber: 9075
description: dvd burner admin group
member: uid=user1,ou=People,dc=mydomain
member: uid=user2,ou=People,dc=mydomain

Does this mean deref is broken on my openldap server?

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