On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 09:09:17PM +0000, John Bossert wrote:
> Am fighting a battle with sssd/ldap and udev (RHEL6/Centos6).
> I have a udev rule that sets disk ownership to oracle/asmadmin at boot.  The 
> user oracle and group asmadmin are registered in ldap.
> Other (udev) forums suggest that udev is executing before networking is
> enabled, ergo ldap is unreachable and the disks remain owned by root/root.
> Hmmm, could sssd caching be a solution?

Yes, it should.

> Following the various tutorials, I've enabled sssd, with "cache_credentials
> = TRUE" in sssd.conf, but I'm still seeing the same results.  Either sssd
> caching isn't happening, or udev isn't making use of it.

cache_credentials only caches salted password hashes (which is off by
default). Identity lookups are always cached and if there was at least
one lookup prior to requesting the data offline, it should work even
before network is up.

> # getent --service=sss passwd oracle
> oracle:*:550:400:Oracle User:/home/oracle:/bin/bash

This seems strange to me, earlier you said that both oracle user and
asmadmin group are in LDAP, yet you are able to resolve a the oracle
user from passwd?

> # getent --service=sss group asmadmin
> asmadmin:*:403:oracle
> Any guidance, either to solve the problem else to obtain some useful 
> diagnostics?

I'm not quite certain what the problem is, can you describe it in more
detail? Does udev not start?

> John
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