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On 09/15/2014 01:53 PM, Nordgren, Bryce L -FS wrote:
>> Do I get it right that you are not actually trying to run systemd
>> itself as a user but to start a service by systemd that will run
>> as an SSSD user. You might have chicken and egg problem because
>> the user might not be available until SSSD is started and
>> running. So I think the service you are trying to start should be
>> dependent on SSSD and make sure that SSSD is running.
>> Sorry if I misunderstood what you are trying to do.
>> Dmitri
> Sorry for not getting back to you earlier, I missed your response.
> Correct: I'm not altering who runs system itself, but trying to run
> my "ipython-notebook" service as my own domain user account.
> I can't even get it to work manually, after I've logged in using
> the account with which I'm trying to run the service. Sorry the
> following is ellipsized, I can only get to the non-ellipsized parts
> with journalctl and a pager, but they really don't add value. The
> important part is code=exited, status=217/USER, which is a systemd
> code, not an ipython code:
> [bnordgren@lugosi ~]$ sudo systemctl start ipython-notebook 
> [bnordgren@lugosi ~]$ sudo systemctl status ipython-notebook 
> ipython-notebook.service - IPython notebook service Loaded: loaded
> (/etc/systemd/system/ipython-notebook.service; enabled) Active:
> failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2014-09-15 11:45:32 MDT; 7s
> ago Process: 15558 ExecStart=/bin/ipython notebook (code=exited,
> status=217/USER)
> Sep 15 11:45:32 lugosi.usfs-i2.umt.edu systemd[1]: Starting IPython
> notebook ... Sep 15 11:45:32 lugosi.usfs-i2.umt.edu systemd[1]:
> Started IPython notebook s... Sep 15 11:45:32
> lugosi.usfs-i2.umt.edu systemd[1]: ipython-notebook.service: ... 
> Sep 15 11:45:32 lugosi.usfs-i2.umt.edu systemd[1]: Unit
> ipython-notebook.serv... [bnordgren@lugosi ~]$ sudo cat
> /etc/systemd/system/ipython-notebook.service [Unit] 
> Description=IPython notebook service After=syslog.target
> network.target
> [Service] Type=simple User=bnordgren ExecStart=/bin/ipython
> notebook KillMode=process 
> Environment=PYTHONPATH=/home/bnordgren/src/pylsce
> [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target [bnordgren@lugosi ~]$ getent
> passwd bnordgren bnordgren:*:10001:10000:Nordgren, Bryce L
> -FS:/home/bnordgren:/bin/bash [bnordgren@lugosi ~]$ /bin/ipython
> notebook [NotebookApp] Using existing profile dir:
> u'/home/bnordgren/.ipython/profile_default' [NotebookApp] Serving
> notebooks from /home/bnordgren/notebooks [NotebookApp] The IPython
> Notebook is running at: http://[all ip addresses on your
> system]:8888/ipython/ [NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this
> server and shut down all kernels.

I just attempted to reproduce this issue on Fedora 21 Alpha with:

Everything worked exactly as expected. I suspect there was a bug in
either systemd or SSSD in Fedora 19 that has been subsequently addressed.
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