On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Stephen Gallagher wrote:

Now, I can certainly see an argument for having such a nosync (or deferred
sync) option for machines that are expected to always be connected to the
identity network (and as such are using SSSD mostly for performance and
surviving the occasional outage hiccup). But I'd say that such an option, if
added, should be VERY carefully documented to explain all of the things that
could go wrong.

I don't disagree with what you've said, and it's exactly this situation I'd be
interested in.  If they're a road warrior, I'd be much less likely to enable

As an aside, there are plenty of other things that can go wrong when the cache
is deleted, including manual overrides from the sss_override command as well
as ID ranges if any of them had hash collisions or were using the autorid
compat mode.

Sure, but none of this ends up being worse than using tmpfs, which we
currently resort to in order to get acceptable performance.  nosync with
canary sounds like it can only be better in my situation.

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