On 04/20/2017 11:08 AM, Troels Hansen wrote:
> I'm trying to force SSSD to only communicate encrypted, because of company 
> rules.
> I think i'm missing something:
> SSSD configured with: id_provider = ad
> and DNS service resolution is enabled (default)
> I have tried about every combination of:
> ldap_id_use_start_tls = true
> ldap_service_port = 636
> ldap_tls_reqcert = allow
> in sssd.conf [domain] section.
> However, I can see SSSD LDAP connection over port 389.
> # netstat -tanp | grep sssd_be
> tcp        0      0        
> 18080/sssd_be
> Have I just missed something?
> Do I need to pull the certificates from AD to make it work. I'm not really
> interested in verifying the certificates but only ensuring an encrypted 
> channel.

Well, first of all be aware that if you are using the AD provider, your
communication across port 389 *is* encrypted using GSSAPI (Kerberos). It uses
the host keytab to encrypt that communication. Using SSL atop that would be a
waste of resources (and unsupported by Microsoft, if I recall correctly).

If you have GSSAPI encryption available (you do) then SSSD ignores the
`ldap_id_use_start_tls` argument because you don't need both encryption streams.
`ldap_id_use_start_tls` tells the LDAP provider to use the STARTTLS command on
port 389 to wrap communication in a secure layer.

If you REALLY, wanted to use port 636, you would need to use `ldap_uri =
ldaps://server.host.name` (note the "ldaps" in the URI) which tells it to use
SSL-based encryption and the default port for that which is 636. I don't
actually know what happens when you try this with `ad_provider=ad`, though. It's
unnecessary, wasteful and possibly disallowed by Microsoft.

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