On Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 12:05:55PM -0400, Abhijit Tikekar wrote:
> Hi,
> We are unable to connect one machine (CentOS 6.9) to Active Directory using 
> SSSD. It is giving the following error whenever we attempt the join. Exact 
> same settings are working for other servers.
> # net ads join -k
> Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for domain X.Y.LOCAL' over 
> But testjoin shows OK.
> # net ads testjoin
> Join is OK
> Even though join says OK, users are not able to authenticate
> # net ads info
> LDAP server: x.x.x.x
> LDAP server name: AD-Server.x.y.local
> Realm: X.Y.LOCAL
> Bind Path: dc=X,dc=Y,dc=LOCAL
> LDAP port: 389
> Server time: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 11:18:41 EDT
> KDC server: x.x.x.x
> Server time offset: 0
> “id” and “getent passwd <username>” return nothing.
> DNS entries are correct under /etc/resolv.conf
> Here is sanitized sssd_domain.log file (Log Level – 5)
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [be_res_get_opts] (0x0100): 
> Lookup order: ipv4_first
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [recreate_ares_channel] 
> (0x0100): Initializing new c-ares channel
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sysdb_domain_init_internal] 
> (0x0200): DB File for x.y.local: /var/lib/sss/db/cache_x.y.local.ldb
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] 
> [sbus_server_init_new_connection] (0x0200): Adding connection 0xbec7b0.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] 
> [sbus_server_init_new_connection] (0x0200): Got a connection
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [be_client_init] (0x0100): 
> Set-up Backend ID timeout [0xbee680]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [get_naming_context] 
> (0x0200): Using value from [defaultNamingContext] as naming context.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_set_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Setting option [ldap_search_base] to [DC=x,DC=y,DC=local].
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [common_parse_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Search base added: [DEFAULT][DC=x,DC=y,DC=local][SUBTREE][]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_set_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Setting option [ldap_netgroup_search_base] to [DC=x,DC=y,DC=local].
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [common_parse_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Search base added: [NETGROUP][DC=x,DC=y,DC=local][SUBTREE][]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_set_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Setting option [ldap_service_search_base] to [DC=x,DC=y,DC=local].
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [common_parse_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Search base added: [SERVICE][DC=x,DC=y,DC=local][SUBTREE][]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_set_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Setting option [ldap_autofs_search_base] to [DC=x,DC=y,DC=local].
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [common_parse_search_base] 
> (0x0100): Search base added: [AUTOFS][DC=x,DC=y,DC=local][SUBTREE][]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] 
> [sdap_get_server_opts_from_rootdse] (0x0100): Setting AD compatibility level 
> to [6]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [fo_resolve_service_send] 
> (0x0100): Trying to resolve service 'AD'
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [be_resolve_server_process] 
> (0x0200): Found address for server AD-Server.x.y.local: [x.x.x.x] TTL 3600
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [client_registration] 
> (0x0100): Cancel DP ID timeout [0xbee680]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [client_registration] 
> (0x0100): Added Frontend client [SUDO]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [child_sig_handler] 
> (0x0100): child [14490] finished successfully.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_kinit_done] (0x0100): 
> Could not get TGT: 14 [Bad address]

Please check the ldap_child.log file. SSSD is not able to get a Kerberos
ticket with the help of the system keytab /etc/krb5.keytab.


> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_cli_connect_recv] 
> (0x0040): Unable to establish connection [13]: Permission denied
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [fo_set_port_status] 
> (0x0100): Marking port 0 of server 'AD-Server.x.y.local' as 'not working'
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [fo_resolve_service_send] 
> (0x0100): Trying to resolve service 'AD'
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [fo_resolve_service_send] 
> (0x0020): No available servers for service 'AD'
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] 
> (0x0020): Failed to connect, going offline (5 [Input/output error])
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [be_run_offline_cb] 
> (0x0080): Going offline. Running callbacks.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] 
> [ad_subdomains_get_conn_done] (0x0080): No AD server is available, cannot get 
> the subdomain list while offline
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [fo_resolve_service_send] 
> (0x0100): Trying to resolve service 'AD'
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [fo_resolve_service_send] 
> (0x0020): No available servers for service 'AD'
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] 
> (0x0020): Failed to connect, going offline (5 [Input/output error])
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [be_ptask_enable] (0x0080): 
> Task [Check if online (periodic)]: already enabled
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [be_run_offline_cb] 
> (0x0080): Going offline. Running callbacks.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] 
> [ad_subdomains_get_conn_done] (0x0080): No AD server is available, cannot get 
> the subdomain list while offline
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [client_registration] 
> (0x0100): Cancel DP ID timeout [0xbe97f0]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [client_registration] 
> (0x0100): Added Frontend client [NSS]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [remove_krb5_info_files] 
> (0x0200): Could not remove [/var/lib/sss/pubconf/kpasswdinfo.X.Y.LOCAL], 
> [2][No such file or directory]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [remove_krb5_info_files] 
> (0x0200): Could not remove [/var/lib/sss/pubconf/kdcinfo.X.Y.LOCAL], [2][No 
> such file or directory]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:39:42 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [remove_krb5_info_files] 
> (0x0200): Could not remove [/var/lib/sss/pubconf/kpasswdinfo.X.Y.LOCAL], 
> [2][No such file or directory]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:40:00 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x0080): 
> Connection is not open for dispatching.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:40:01 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x0080): 
> Connection is not open for dispatching.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:40:01 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x0080): 
> Connection is not open for dispatching.
> (Thu Jun  8 10:40:01 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [remove_krb5_info_files] 
> (0x0200): Could not remove [/var/lib/sss/pubconf/kdcinfo.X.Y.LOCAL], [2][No 
> such file or directory]
> (Thu Jun  8 10:40:01 2017) [sssd[be[x.y.local]]] [remove_krb5_info_files] 
> (0x0200): Could not remove [/var/lib/sss/pubconf/kpasswdinfo.X.Y.LOCAL], 
> [2][No such file or directory]
> Capture when net ads join fails. .66 is the ad server and .109 is the CentOS 
> machine.
> Sanitized contents of sssd.conf, krb5.conf and smb.conf
> sssd.conf
> [sssd]
> domains = X.Y.LOCAL
> services = nss, pam, sudo
> config_file_version = 2
> debug_level = 5
> [nss]
> [pam]
> debug_level=5
> [sudo]
> debug_level=0
> [domain/x.y.local]
> debug_level=5
> ad_server = AD-Server.x.y.local
> id_provider = ad
> auth_provider = ad
> access_provider = ad
> sudo_provider = ad
> ldap_use_tokengroups = False
> krb5_realm = X.Y.LOCAL
> ldap_uri = ldap://AD-Server.x.y.local
> ldap_sudo_search_base 
> ldap_user_search_base
> ldap_group_search_base
> ldap_access_order = filter, expire
> ad_access_filter = 
> cache_credentials = true
> override_homedir = /home/%d/%u
> default_shell = /bin/bash
> krb5.conf
> [logging]
> default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
> kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
> admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
> [libdefaults]
> default_realm = X.Y.LOCAL
> dns_lookup_realm = true
> dns_lookup_kdc = true
> ticket_lifetime = 24h
> renew_lifetime = 7d
> forwardable = yes
> [realms]
> X.Y.LOCAL = {
> kdc = AD-Server.x.y.local:88
> admin_server = AD-Server.x.y.local:749
> }
> [domain_realm]
> .x.y.local = X.Y.LOCAL
> x.y.local = X.Y.LOCAL
> smb.conf
> [global]
> workgroup = X
> client signing = yes
> client use spnego = yes
> kerberos method = secrets and keytab
> realm = X.Y.LOCAL
> security = ads
> log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> max log size = 50
> min protocol = SMB2
> Thanks,
> ~ abhi

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