On (12/09/17 09:24), Edouard Guigné wrote:
>Hello dear SSSD Users,
>I would like to get informations concerning postfix cyrus sasl vs sssd
>My goal is that users using my mail server (postfix and imap server cyrus) to
>be able to authenticate against AD.
>It suppose postfix and cyrus configured with sasl, and sasl configured to use
>Pam should be configured to use SSSD against AD....
>[Postfix / Cyrus <==> sasl (pam) <==> SSSD] .... <===> [MY Microsoft Windows
>Server Active Directory]
>I would like to know if someone has already used this configuration. Does it
>work ?
>If yes, may you explain me the packages to install on centos 7, and the file
>configuration ?
>saslauthd.conf ? cyrusd.conf ? main.cf (postfix)
>I think I could as well use FreeIPA instead of Windows AD server, if SSSD is
>configured in this way.
>But I am not very used with FreeIPA and AD trust for the moment.
>Otherwise, I found this link 
>This explains how to configure against ldap backend. I intend to do the same,
>with AD server instead of Ldap.

That blog post mentioned testsaslauthd utility which might and it works for me
quite good. (I had sssd already configured)
So I just started saslauthd.service and configure "imap" pam service

sh# systemctl start saslauthd
sh# vi /etc/pam.d/imap

sh$ testsaslauthd -u testuser -p SecretPassword
 0: OK "Success."

and journald contained info about success

Sep 13 16:34:18 host.example.com saslauthd[30340]: pam_sss(imap:auth):
    authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=

I am not sure how to help more

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