On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 1:45:27 PM CST Jakub Hrozek wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 12:32:28PM -0600, Anthony Joseph Messina wrote:
> > In a Fedora 27 FreeIPA-4.6 domain with the following sssd.conf, I
> > regularly
> > get the followin error:
> > 
> > sssd_nss[2603]: The Data Provider returned an error
> > [org.freedesktop.sssd.Error.DataProvider.Fatal]
> > 
> > Increasing the sssd debug level reveals that the fatal error seems to be
> > raised by the lookup in the implicit_files domain which doesn't contain
> > this GID.
> > 
> > While this happens on all my FreeIPA clients, this particular host is a
> > mailserver postfix and cyrus-imap with saslsuthd/pam authentication so
> > the number of user lookups is far higher and the error occurs with
> > considerable frequency.
> > 
> > Do I have a misconfiguration here or is there a problem with
> > implicit_domain and GID lookups?  It doesn't seem like this should be a
> > fatal error when the GID exists in the example.com FreeIPA/SSSD domain.
> > 
> > # /etc/nsswitch.conf (snippet)
> > passwd:     sss files mymachines systemd
> > shadow:     files sss
> > group:      sss files mymachines systemd
> > 
> > # /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
> > [domain/example.com]
> > cache_credentials = True
> > krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
> > ipa_domain = example.com
> > id_provider = ipa
> > auth_provider = ipa
> > access_provider = ipa
> > ipa_hostname = host.example.com
> > chpass_provider = ipa
> > ipa_server = _srv_, ipa-master.ipa.example.com
> > ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
> > [sssd]
> > services = nss, sudo, pam, ssh, ifp
> > 
> > domains = example.com
> > [nss]
> > homedir_substring = /home
> > 
> > [pam]
> > 
> > [sudo]
> > 
> > [autofs]
> > 
> > [ssh]
> > 
> > [pac]
> > 
> > [ifp]
> > allowed_uids = apache, root
> > 
> > [secrets]
> > 
> > # Relevant sssd_nss debug logs
> > Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: Input ID: 1111100001
> > Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR #134773: New request 'Group by ID'
> > Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR #134773: Performing a multi-domain
> > search Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR #134773: Search will check the
> > cache and check the data provider Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR
> > #134773: Using domain [implicit_files] Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR
> > #134773: Looking up GID:1111100001@implicit_files Jan 30 18:22:48
> > sssd_nss[2603]: CR #134773: Checking negative cache for
> > [GID:1111100001@implicit_files] Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR
> > #134773: [GID:1111100001@implicit_files] is not present in negative cache
> > Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR #134773: Looking up
> > [GID:1111100001@implicit_files] in cache Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]:
> > CR #134773: Object [GID:1111100001@implicit_files] was not found in cache
> > Jan 30 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: CR #134773: Looking up
> > [GID:1111100001@implicit_files] in data provider Jan 30 18:22:48
> > sssd_nss[2603]: Issuing request for
> > [0x56200cc04250:2:1111100001@implicit_files] Jan 30 18:22:48
> > sssd_nss[2603]: Creating request for
> > [implicit_files][0x2][BE_REQ_GROUP][idnumber=1111100001:-] Jan 30
> > 18:22:48 sssd_nss[2603]: Entering request
> > [0x56200cc04250:2:1111100001@implicit_files]
> I think it's probably https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/issue/3520. In general
> the files provider shouldn't be calling the Data Provider at all,
> because all users should be always cached.
> Could you open a bug against Fedora so we can link it with the upstream
> ticket and you can test the fix when it's ready?

Fedora Bug filed: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1540703

> btw the implicit files domain can be disabled, I think that would be the
> best workaround in the meantime.

Thanks Jakub.  If I disable the implicit_files domain, I need to revert the 
nsswitch configuration to list files before sss, correct?

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