The first step in debugging any strangeness is usually

> On 14 Mar 2018, at 16:18, wrote:
> Hi All
> We've got SSSD 1.13.0 installed as part of a Centos 7.2.1511 installation.

But this is quite an old version. I would first check if the 7.4 version 
behaves any better. About the ‘phantom groups, there was a fix that sounds 
related that will be released in 7.4.6 in a couple of weeks and actually even 
sooner in 7.5.0.

> We've used realmd to join the host concerned to our 2008R2 AD system. This 
> went really well, and consequently we've been using SSSD to provide login 
> services and kerberos integration for our fairly large hadoop system.
> The authconfig that's implicitly run as part of realmd produces the following 
> sssd.conf:
> [sssd]
> domains = <joined domain>
> config_file_version = 2
> services = nss, pam
> [pam]
> debug_level = 0x0080
> [nss]
> timeout = 20
> force_timeout = 600
> debug_level = 0x0080
> [domain/<joined domain>]
> ad_domain = <joined domain>
> krb5_realm = <JOINED DOMAIN>
> realmd_tags = manages-system joined-with-samba
> cache_credentials = true
> id_provider = ad
> krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
> default_shell = /bin/bash
> ldap_id_mapping = True
> use_fully_qualified_names = False
> fallback_homedir = /home/%u@%d
> access_provider = simple
> simple_allow_groups = <AD group allowing logins>
> krb5_use_kdc_info = False
> entry_cache_timeout = 300
> debug_level = 0x0080
> ad_server = <active directory server>
> As I've said - this works really well. We did have some stability issues 
> initially, but they've been fixed by defining the 'ad_server' rather than 
> using autodiscovery.
> Logins work fine, kerberos TGTs are issued on login, and password changes are 
> honoured correctly.
> However, in general day to day use, we have noticed a few anomalies, that we 
> just can't track down.  
> Firstly (this has happened a few times), a user will change their AD password 
> (via a Windows PC). 
> Subsequent logins - sometimes with specific client software - fail with
> pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh 
> ruser= rhost=<remote PC name> user=<username>
> pam_sss(sshd:auth): received for user <username>: 17 (failure setting user 
> credentials)
> So in this example, the person concerned has changed their AD password. 
> Further attempts to access this system via SSH work fine. However, using SFTP 
> doesn't work (the above is output into /var/log/secure).
> There are no local controls on sftp logins, and the user concerned was 
> working fine (using both sftp and ssh) until they updated their password.
> There is no separate sftp daemon running, and it only affects one individual 
> currently (but we have seen some very similar instances before)
> The second issue we have is around phantom groups in AD.
> Hadoop uses an id -Gn command to see group membership for authorisation.
> With some users - we've seen 6 currently - we see certain groups failing to 
> be looked up:
> id -Gn <username>
> id: cannot find name for group ID xxxxyyyyy
> <group name> <group name> <group name> <group name> <etc...>
> The xxxxyyyyy indicates:
> xxxx = hashed realm name
> yyyyy = RID from group in AD
> We can't find any group with that number on the AD side!
> We can work around this by adding a local group (into /etc/group) for the 
> GIDs affected. This means the id -Gn runs correctly, and the hadoop namenode 
> can function correctly - but this is a workaround and we'd like to get to the 
> bottom of the issue.
> Rather than flooding this post now with logfiles, just thought I'd see if 
> this looked familiar to anyone. Happy to upload any logs, amend logging 
> levels, etc.
> Many thanks
> Simon
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