On 8/25/21 8:32 AM, Spike White wrote:

Because we are researching an ongoing problem reported by L1 server ops.  About 70 – 80 sssd-enabled Linux servers / month drop off the domain.  Out of our current sssd-enabled population of ~20K server, that’s not horrible.  But still it should be better.  (Our former commercial product did better.)

It’s not limited to one particular OS, OS version, build location or region.  We have surveyed; it seems to occur randomly among all OS versions, regions and locations.

We are taking sssd’s default settings for ad_maximum_machine_account_password_age and ad_machine_account_password_renewal_opts. ... So when we find servers that have dropped off the domain, it’s because they have not renewed their AD machine accounts in 40 days.

We had similar symptoms on CentOS systems at my previous employer, however, I'm mostly sure that they were resolved by an sssd update sometime in the last year or two.  Are all of your systems fully patched?

If you're seeing the same issue that we saw, one indication would be that running "klist -kt /etc/krb5.keytab" would print a list including two KVNOs on systems after they'd dropped off the domain.

I'd also look up machines in AD to find systems that haven't changed their password in > 40 days, and compare the PasswordLastSet date for a system you're examining to the dates in the klist output:


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$date = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(-40)
Get-ADComputer -Filter  ‘PasswordLastSet -le $date’ -SearchBase “OU=WhereIStoreComputers,DC=pipe2,DC=Text,DC=com” -properties PasswordLastSet

But packet captures proved that adcli update is using TCP on RHEL7/8.

I *think* that our problems went away after an update changed machine password renewal to TCP only.  You might have a different problem, but I'd still start with the keytab, and I'd increase the logging level for sssd because the default logging level didn't give us a lot of information to go on when we were troubleshooting password renewal.  It doesn't need to be 9, but should be increased to a level that won't cause you operational difficulty.
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