Daniel Noll wrote:
> On Friday 06 July 2007 01:53, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> We *could* do that with the video phone activity. It's a bit of a
>> borderline case, but IMHO it's going to be common enough that we want to
>> define a separate activity for it.
> Video phones may become common enough one day (when Cisco stop thinking the 
> privilege is worth paying four times the price of a normal phone, there will 
> probably be a boom in them) but if you want other types of phone that are 
> already common enough to split into their own sections, I'm sure there are 
> plenty.  Talking on a mobile vs. talking on a landline, for instance?  
> Talking on a VOIP softphone vs. using a "real" phone?

Feel free to define extensions for that in your own namespace.

>>>   2. We already have presence for the other user to determine if I'm
>>>      contactable.  i.e. can I not just set DND while on a video call?
>> XEP-0108 is for things that are much more granular than <show>dnd</show>.
> That's why I will suggest doing both.  Set activity to "on the phone" and 
> status to "dnd".  That's more specific than doing either independently, and 
> doesn't even require inventing a new type of phone which may not even add any 
> useful information to the other user.

What you do with presence is out of scope for XEP-0108.


Peter Saint-Andre
XMPP Standards Foundation

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