Robin Redeker wrote:
On Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 05:10:13AM +0530, Mridul Muralidharan wrote:
Robin Redeker wrote:
On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 04:29:15AM +0530, Mridul Muralidharan wrote:
Just mentioning a basic problem which was discussed at jdev.

If two 1.0 server move to 1.1, all the 'older' 1.0 jid's will become unroutable - which are present in user roster/affiliations/privacylists/etc.

Yes, this sounds like the death blow for escaping for backward
compatibility. It will poison the old 1.0 servers and make whole roster
subscriptions unusable once that server upgrades to 1.1. (Not to mention
the JIDs in the private XML storage or other places you mentioned).

Do you see any problem in just disallowing incompatible 1.1 JIDs to be
able to communicate with 1.0 JIDs? The old 1.0-compatible JID accounts
on a 1.1 server will of course still be able to talk with people on 1.0
The problem is 1.1 JID's cant communicate with 1.1 contact JID's -
if user has [EMAIL PROTECTED], what will the 1.1 server do ? It could either be pointing to a 1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (route as-is), was a 1.0 jid - convert to cont&[EMAIL PROTECTED] (needs transformation) or continues to be 1.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (route as-is) (all three as different cases, though 1 and 3 look the same).

I don't know exactly what you mean. There MUST NOT be done any escaping
between two 1.1 servers. So a 1.1 contact on server A and another 1.1
contact on server B are communicating nicely with each other. And also
the JIDs in their rosters will be a 1.1 JID.

Escaping only happens between 1.1 and 1.0 servers, and only on those
1.1 vs. 1.0 borders.

But the problem that we have then is that a 1.0 server, which will only
receive escaped JIDs, stores those (escaped) 1.1 JIDs in the 1.0 contacts
roster as escaped JIDs (because he doesn't even know they are escaped

That means that after migration (1.0 server upgrades software to a 1.1
capable one) those JIDs are still in their escaped form in the roster.
And because there doesn't happen any escaping between 1.1 servers our
recently upgraded 1.0 server has broken rosters.

Yes, I am refering to this case above. 1.0 roster, 1.1 server.
It is not always practical to say - do full user data migration before moving to 1.1 (not always possible).

The network won't be split the day servers start speaking XMPP 1.1.
By preventing people with JIDs with incompatible characters to speak
with 1.0 servers the 1.1 servers can prevent that split.
Existing data will be present - and without jid meta-data, we cant associate encoding info.

One possible option would be to move to use uri scheme for jid's - (and so this could be the differentiator for 1.1 vs 1.0).
More importantly, it would help in case of interop with other protocols.

Last time I brought this up, it was considered a bit too disruptive, and so dropped :-) Since Peter was considering 1.1 of xmpp, maybe this would be a good time to rethink this idea !

You mean if a 1.1 server speaks with a 1.0 server it gives him an URL
instead of an escaped JID? How will 1.0 servers handle that? They will
have to code a little to handle that, don't they?

At the boundary, the 1.1 server will convert from/to uri form to current (1.0) form while talking to an 'older' (1.0) server, and will continue with uri form for a 1.1 server..


(I like the idea of URLs btw., but changing a whole culture from their
JIDs to URIs will be quite hard I guess :-)


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