Hi Mridul,

Am Mittwoch, den 15.08.2007, 19:11 +0530 schrieb Mridul Muralidharan:

> Intermediaries wont send a 404, which is what (i recall) the xep asks 
> httpbind to send back in case of unknown/invalid sid. So we dont need to 
> know the ver in this case (since httpbind assigns sid & not client, this 
> is fine).
> Hence if we get 404 for initial handshake request, it means httpbind is 
> not running on that webserver/ctxroot, if we get 404 for any other 
> request, it means session is not longer valid/exists.
> So from what I see, this should not be a problem.
> Or am I missing something here ?

Sure this is a solution as I proposed myself (see my first *). But of
course we should agree on sth and the XEP should be fixed then.

For me it's ok to send a 404 except for the fact that it's not a 100%
clean solution. 

E.g. the resource could have disappeared (reboot/restart...) causing an
intermediary to send a 404. So a client can not be sure if the session
has definitely terminated or if the resource is unavailable temporarily
and it might be ok to retry for some period of time.

Cheers, Steve

> - Mridul
> > 
> > Possible fixes that came to my mind:
> > 
> > * Define this to be a special case and demand to send an HTTP error
> > condition. Breaks with concept of separating error conditions at the
> > protocol level (you can't tell anymore whether the error is HTTP or BOSH
> > related).
> > 
> > * Make clients send a 'ver' attribute with every request. Consumes more
> > bandwidth.
> > 
> > Cheers, Steve
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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