Ian Paterson wrote:

> Currently the name of the group that contacts will be added to tends to
> be hardcoded on the gateway. This causes problems if there are language
> issues or, more typically, if the user has two accounts on a legacy
> service (accessed via two instances of a gateway server) - in which case
> the contacts will end up being mixed within the same group.
> To solve this I'd suggest adding a new example (see [1] below) to
> Section 7 "Contact Lists" that indicates how the client/user might
> specify during registration a group name (see the "group" <field/>
> below) that the gateway will use whenever it adds contacts to the user's
> roster.

I've been asked offlist if the communities / shared groups spec that
Bruno van Haetsdaele and I are working on as a follow-up to the XMPP
devcon might apply to gateways as well. I think it might (essentially,
the gateway manages a contact list for you). Ideally you could name (or
later rename) that list. I'll add that to the use cases we're addressing
in the communities spec.

But in the meantime what you propose for XEP-0100 seems sensible.


Peter Saint-Andre

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