
On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 10:44:15AM +0100, Tomasz Sterna wrote:
> Dnia 06-11-2007, Wt o godzinie 09:17 +0000, Richard Dobson pisze:
> > > And repeat the FTP + statefull firewall nightmare?   
> > Sorry but what??? Can you explain exactly what you mean by this.
> Ever tried to get FTP protocol through FW/NAT?
> It requires protocol level command channel tracking, to find out related
> data channels and let them in.
> Special handling, special modules, special setup - ergo: nobody bothers.

Because the FTP data channel (not to mention it offers passive transfer,
too) is _inbound_. If you opened not one TCP connection to the server,
but two, one for XML and one for blobs, how it would be different from
single TCP connection?

But a different question - is binary XML able to transfer binary data?
And is it possible to map normal XML <-> binary XML one to one? If so,
we could have a stream feature "use binary XML instead and transfer blob
elements not-base64-encoded" or something like that. If the server
needed to push it to a non-binary stream, it would have to base64 it (or
something like that).

Does it make sense? (Just an crazy idea, I do not know, if it could be
of any use).

Q:      Why was Stonehenge abandoned?
A:      It wasn't IBM compatible.

Michal 'vorner' Vaner

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