Dnia 07-11-2007, Śr o godzinie 19:42 -0700, Peter Saint-Andre pisze:
> [NOTE: XEP-0020 is wrong when it shows an IQ-get in Example 1, that
> should be an IQ-set -- I think this is a simple typo. For instance
> that's what we have in XEP-0095 and XEP-0096.]

We talked about it on jdev, and noticed that XEP-0020 was heavily hacked
lately. And it still shows some rough edges. ;-)

> I don't think 2.2 contradicts 2.1. Perhaps it would help for me to add
> some flow diagrams and also show the example at the end of section 2.2?

Couldn't hurt. :-)

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^'  Xiaoka.com

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