
Comments below marked as jph:


>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Peter Saint-Andre
>Sent: 06 March, 2008 06:36
>To: XMPP Extension Discussion List
>Subject: Re: [Standards] Proposed XMPP Extension: Roster Versioning
>> Hi!
>> I readed the latest version 0.0.3 and I'm little bit confused of 
>> statement (or I have missed something):
>> --- clip ---
>> The "roster diff" can be understood as follows:
>>    1. Imagine that the client had an active presence session for the 
>> entire time between its cached roster version (in this case, 
>305) and 
>> the new roster version (317).
>>    2. During that time, the client would have received roster pushes 
>> related to roster versions 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 
>> 314, 315, 316, and 317.
>>    3. However, some of those roster pushes might have contained 
>> intermediate updates to the same roster item (e.g., changes in the 
>> subscription state for [EMAIL PROTECTED] from "none" to "to" and 
>> from "to" to "both").
>>    4. The roster result would not include all of the intermediate 
>> steps, only the final result of all changes applied while the client 
>> was in fact offline.
>> --- clip ---
>> Q: How many roster version have to server remember? In the xep 0.0.3 
>> there is clear spec for client site implementation, but 
>server site is 
>> missing "server site requirements". If I keep changing the 
>roster add, 
>> remove few times ("on/off relationship") --> how many roster 
>> have to be server must remember backwads 1...n?
>I suppose that's up to the implementation. But if the server 
>doesn't remember back to the version cached by the client then 
>we need to specify the server's behavior (probably it would 
>return the latest version of the entire roster, just as it does today).
        jph: Yes, the "server's behavior" must be define. 
        I agree "probably it would >return the latest version of 
        the entire roster, just as it does today" is excellent and
simplest approach
        and it will work.
>Peter Saint-Andre

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