The repeaters concept doesn't solve the privacy list interactions either.

Why not? For each list of folks that a server wants to send presence to, it creates a list. If that list has different people on it for different reasons, it creates different lists. In the case of presence, the server could, in the face of privacy lists being turned on, create a presence-out list and a presence-probe list for the user in question at each site where you have more than N users, where N should be determined through some sort of analysis at where the trade-off point is. I'm betting it's at least 10.

Yes, this could lead to **lots** of lists. We better a) get the protocol right, b) make sure it's going to help, and c) implement it carefully.

Exactly the point I was trying to make.

The following paragraph after that one qualified this a bit by starting as "If multiple senders...".

I should have written "The repeaters concept doesn't solve the privacy list interactions either, if you are using multiple senders for the same list".

If you use multiple lists, one per user, the problem does not apply of course.

Sure but the lists don't "have" to have multiple senders on them, its just nice in the protocol to allow that capability if it is needed, but notes probably need to be made in the spec on how it would work with privacy lists, as Joe says you would have however many lists per user the server needs defined in order to have the stanzas delivered according to the applied privacy lists, might well get a bit complicated and not actually gain you much if the privacy lists are being constantly changed but then that's up to the server logic to detect and only bother setting up repeaters where there is likely to be an actual real gain in bandwidth usage.

As you say I don't think that many people are using privacy lists or arn't likely to be defining complex sets of options and are likely to just be using them for blocking, so in real world usage it shouldn't get too complicated, but at least with repeaters you get the benefit of more optimised distribution of the stanzas but also allow privacy lists to still work.


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