Joe Hildebrand wrote:
> As well, the text doesn't adequately specify the translation from XML to
> binary.  I would recommend text like:
> To convert from traditional XMPP to bxmpp, the UTF-8 encoded representation
> that would have been transmitted is converted an octet at a time into a
> binary representation.  Each input octet (with value from 0-255) MUST be
> converted into exactly 8 XML elements (with value of <zero/> or <one/>),
> with the most significant bit coming first.  For example, to send the
> character '>', it is UTF-8 encoded octet with decimal value 62, which turns
> into the XML representation of 00111110:
> <zero/><zero/><one/><one/><one/><one/><one/><zero/>.

Fixed, thanks for the suggested text, that's always appreciated. :)


Peter Saint-Andre

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