Ola Spjuth wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to add our strong support to the "IO DATA" XEP proposal. I
> represent the Bioclipse project (www.bioclipse.net) providing a
> workbench for life science that currently relies heavily on SOAP Web
> services for remote execution of jobs. The biggest problem for us is
> long lasting calls, as many of the calculations in life science are
> computationally expensive and we have had big problems with asynchronous
> calls over SOAP. This XEP looks very promising, and I think it could
> bring several long-desired features that have been requested by our
> users, such as stable long-running jobs and service-discovery.

Thanks for weighing in.

>  In my opinion, Bioclipse will be an excellent showcase for XMPP-based
> Web services, and we will continue to support this technology in the
> future.

Maybe we should change the title to "Web Services over XMPP"? :)
However, I suppose that when most people think of web services they
think of SOAP and the whole WS-* stack...


Peter Saint-Andre

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