Andrew Plotkin wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>>> c) Attacker knows full jid, and can determine if it is online.
>>> In principle, this is the simplest case. Aside from the above <message/>
>>> attack - messages to offline full jids are processed just like those to
>>> bare jids - there is also the <iq/> case - send an <iq/> and you will
>>> receive either a result (user online), or an error, and by sending the
>>> same <iq/> to the server, one might distinguish between online and
>>> offline.
>> There are two possible branches here:
>> 1. Does the attacker receive different responses (e.g., a completely
>> different error condition)?
>> 2. Can the attacker differentiate between the same response from the
>> server and from the client (e.g., the client includes an old 'code'
>> attribute but the server does not)?
> Or the round-trip time for a server-generated error is shorter than that
> for a client-generated error. (Or a client error rewritten by the server.)
> Between timing attacks and low-level formatting details (whitespace,
> order of attributes), getting a server to imitate a client is a scary
> minefield.

Agreed. I don't know that I think the timing attack is all that likely
(given normal network latency etc.), but I do agree that jumping through
these hoops for the rather picayune purpose of preventing presence leaks
is overkill.


Peter Saint-Andre

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