In , a per-node request (of pending subscriptions) is to be made using Ad-hoc Commands. The Openfire implementation returns a <command/> child and looking at the Ad-hoc Commands spec, , under example 15, it looks like this is indeed the correct behavior. In the Pubsub spec, however, the success result (example 169) is an empty <iq/> (no <command/> child).

Should the Pubsub spec be corrected or should the Ad-hoc Command spec make clear that an iq response can be completely empty?

Also the wording in Pubsub seems a little unclear: "the owner then MAY request pending subscription approval requests". I think it would be more clear that there is to be an actual change of state, if the word "submit" is used in place of the first "request". Also the example's title is similarly confusing: "Owner requests all pending subscription requests for a node", since it seems to me that this section is talking about approving the subscriptions.

And lastly, any responses on my previous emails?


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