
wasn't the 3 points I raised in my 2 emails about pubsub not consistent
enough? I had no answer on any of these... :-/

Moreover the two points in my second email may be discussed, but it
looks to me that the first email is obviously a small bug in the XEP
because the title and the example does not correspond. No?


Jehan;5096 Wrote: 
> Hi again,
> I have two other remarks I have just noticed.
> 1/ When one queries a "item discovery", an item has a "name" attribute
> which is the itemID (see 'section 5.5'
> (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html#entity-discoveritems)):
> But in this section '6.4 Retrieve Items from a Node'
> (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html#subscriber-retrieve), or
> during publication (cf. my previous email), the itemID is an attribute
> 'id'.
> So I think this is not very consistent. Why is the attribute "name"
> used sometimes, and "id" other times for the same thing?
> 2/ Note also that it says that (section 5.5 again):
> But in the "retrieve items" section, there is no mean proposed to
> request items based on IDs! The only section which propose to detail a
> request is section "6.4.7 Requesting Some Items", but it gives only
> examples to request the most recent items (with "max_items"
> attribute").
> I guess you may use the jabber search XEP ('xep-0055'
> (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0055.html)), or maybe use the 'result
> set management' (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0059.html), but then the
> text is not good and must be changed in section 5.5. Moreover I don't
> think this adresses exactly the same needs. One should be able to
> request only one or two specific items (when we know the itemID) without
> having to request everything then search in it with the result set
> management...
> Jehan

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