12 feb 2009 kl. 18.03 skrev XMPP Extensions Editor:

Version 0.2 of XEP-0257 (Client Certificate Management for SASL EXTERNAL) has been released.

Abstract: This specification defines a method to manage client certificates that can be used with SASL External to allow clients to log in without a password.

Changelog: [See revision history] (dm)


I think we should change the text about self-signed vs CA-signed that is currently a bit ambigous. I know that Dirk's use case is not CA- related, but I still think that the XEP should be more neutral and I see a lot of use cases where a CA will be required. It doesn't have to be a commercial CA, could be the congersman-frog-who-signs-anything CA as well, but we have reasons to verify the certificate chain.

We could add a statement in the beginning about different models for trusting the certificates and then delete all references to whether the cert is signed by a trusted party or self-signed from other parts of the document.

A recommendation for server developers would be to implement a model where the admin can set a policy for the use of certificates for SASL external:

- Only trusted certificates for bare JID certificates and any cert for full JID ("bot") certificates
- Only trusted certificates for both bare JID and full JID certificates
- Any kind of certificate

With trusted certificates we mean a certificate that can be securely verified by checking the CA chain to a trusted CA certificate.


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