Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
On 3/13/09 8:49 PM, XMPP Extensions Editor wrote:


I notice that the suggested / allowable values of the 'type' attribute
are "cell", "wifi", "bluetooth", "wimax", "rfid", "ip", "other". I see
three ways to handle these:

1. Restrictive: lock down these values in the schema

2. Permissive: allow applications to include any value they choose

3. Extensible: set up a registry so that we don't need to update the
spec every time we add a new value while still providing guidance to

I lean toward #3.
That seems sensible, though i suspect the reference types will change frequently while the XEP is young, but at some point settle down as the spec catches up with all the possibilities out there (sure new ones will be invented, but not at a pace that is hard to keep up with I'd guess)

How would such a registry work? Are there examples of such from other XEPs?

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