On 3/18/09 8:30 AM, Nicolas Vérité wrote:
> 2009/3/18 Remko Tronçon <re...@el-tramo.be>:
>>> I think a VCard is exactly what you mean, or what do you mean by User
>>> Profile?
>> He means XEP-154, but that one is dying anyway.
> [Yes, I meant that, answered offlist not to pollute]
> OK, I learn that  XEP-0154 is being abandoned, so what about cutting
> and restrcturing all the info in User Profile in different PEP stuff?
> Like the user's relationships, projects, resume...

I don't think we've made a decision to abandon XEP-0154, although I do
think it would be good for us to look closely at the work happening in
the IETF to update vCard and define an XML representation:




The XML representation is not currently an official WG item, but there's
pretty strong consensus to pursue that work, see the thread starting here:


So I think that we could work within that framework to define everything
we need in an interoperable way (not some XMPP-specific stuff). And we
could finally deprecate vcard-temp (which has been "temp" since ~2000!).

Peter Saint-Andre

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