Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
RFC 3920 says that
| the Receiving Server SHOULD accept subsequent <db:result/> packets (
| e.g., validation requests sent to a subdomain or other hostname
| serviced by the Receiving Server)

How does the originating server find out if a subdomain or hostname is
actually serviced by the receiving server?

From the outside, how do I tell the difference between
Both have SRV records which point to
- the machine that hosts

Don't read too much into a misconfiguration / admin failing on the service.

That is just a convenient scapegoat^Wexample.
The problem of finding out if a subdomain or hostname is actually
serviced by the receiving server remains.

Inband-probing by just sending a db:result when host/port matches is
efficient and easy to implement. But the risk of getting the stream
killed makes this unusable :-(

type=error as proposed by Matthias originally solves that problem.


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