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On 4/27/09 5:27 PM, Jiří Zárevúcký wrote:
> I've noticed change in this part:
>> the server MUST consider the item to have been modified and
>> therefore MUST send the item to the client (typically via a roster
>> push as described below).
> You changed the MUSTs to MAY, which again introduces several possible
>  problems. You can find reasons in one of previous threads.

Not everything needs to be a MUST. Please pay attention to the context.
I take it that the text you refer to is this:


If a series of roster modifications result in a roster item that does
not differ from the version cached by the client (e.g., a modification
to the item's 'name' attribute and then a modification back to the
original value), the server MAY consider the item to have been modified
and therefore MAY send the item to the client (typically via a roster
push as described below).


Now, what this means is that perhaps the roster hasn't "really" changed
at all as a result of these modifications. If the server generates its
version IDs based on a hash of the roster, then if I change a 'name'
attribute and change it back the roster in fact hasn't changed at all
(the version IDs are the same). Why would the server send a roster push
to the client at that point? The roster is the same!

Please try to formulate the appropriate text using MUST instead of MAY

> In addition, this passage doesn't make any sense after the change:
>> In addition, if the client signals a version ID that is different
>> from the version currently on file at the server for that JID, the
>> server MUST return the whole current roster as if client announced
>> its version to be the empty string, thus bootstrapping the client's
>> local cache.
> If the server uses incremental numbering and client returns a lesser 
> ver, it will always bootstrap, never sending incremental pushes.
> Maybe it need rephrasing to something like "if server can't associate
> the request to any previous version".

You're right, that is nonsensical -- I must not have been paying close
attention when I made that edit. I've changed it as follows:


In general, unless returning the complete roster would (1) use less
bandwidth than sending individual roster pushes to the client (e.g., if
the roster contains only a few items) or (2) the server cannot associate
the version ID with any previous version it has on file, the server
SHOULD send an empty IQ-result and then send the modifications (if any)
via roster pushes.


> Also, I think the examples should still have the sequence numbers 
> (which is I believe preferred implementation). Use of hashes can be 
> noted in implementation notes.

I disagree. The spec says that the version ID is opaque. If the examples
include only version IDs that are *not* opaque, developers will ignore
the text and focus only on the examples.

> Oh... and a typo:
>> During that time, the client might have received roster pushes
>> related to *varous* roster versions.



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Peter Saint-Andre

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